Experience might be one of the most important things that you gain from going to college. Everyone has to has a good amount of experience for the job the career and jobWhile I may already know a lot about what to do in the possible jobs that I’ll have in the future, that’s not enough. Being an artist, there’s always room for you to improve your techniques and skills. There is always more that a person is able to learn and that’s what college is about: gaining great experience. The final reason why I wished to go to college and why I am continuing to pursue college is to set an example. A person’s mother and father set examples to them that show the person the right things to do and how to behave properly. They are important role models in their offspring’s life. When I have a family someday, I want to set an example to my kids. I want them to know that if I went to college, then they’re able to do the same. If I was (in the future) going to graduate and earn a degree, then they can too. In conclusion, I know now why my parents wanted me to start thinking about college at a young age. They not only wanted me
Experience might be one of the most important things that you gain from going to college. Everyone has to has a good amount of experience for the job the career and jobWhile I may already know a lot about what to do in the possible jobs that I’ll have in the future, that’s not enough. Being an artist, there’s always room for you to improve your techniques and skills. There is always more that a person is able to learn and that’s what college is about: gaining great experience. The final reason why I wished to go to college and why I am continuing to pursue college is to set an example. A person’s mother and father set examples to them that show the person the right things to do and how to behave properly. They are important role models in their offspring’s life. When I have a family someday, I want to set an example to my kids. I want them to know that if I went to college, then they’re able to do the same. If I was (in the future) going to graduate and earn a degree, then they can too. In conclusion, I know now why my parents wanted me to start thinking about college at a young age. They not only wanted me