Genetic engineering has multiple advantages it can help make cures for diseases and prevent them before they happen. One instance is insulin a natural hormone that helps people with diabetes, scientists can genetically engineer insulin so that it produces faster to make it more accessible. Genetic modification could even potentially help humans live longer, but it will take time the benefits will likely not be seen until around 18 years later according to Stephen Hawking. Genetic engineering also enables us to make new foods that are …show more content…
packed with nutrients humans need to survive. These new foods even have the potential to be used as vaccines, such as a new type of potato that could aid in vaccinations for common and even deadly diseases.
Genetic engineering seems like it would do a lot of good, but there are some issues.
One of the most common is ethical, many religious groups do not support genetic engineering because they believe it is like “playing god”. Others just think it is wrong to possibly harm living creatures in the testing. Another big issue is the fact that there could be unforeseen repercussions, many people just don’t want to risk it. Protesters often argue that changes could be made that are irreversible as well. Then there is the question of “superweeds” these are genetically modified plants that breed with wild ones creating resistance to herbicides, this can upset organisms natural balance and the ecosystem. How theses genetically modified plants affect the environment could ultimately be a huge loss, these plants could end up being much like invasive species and take over the natural flora. In this situation not only the flora would be affected, the local fauna could lose their food source; eventually destroying the natural
In the case of genetically modified(gm) foods, there is also the question of FDA approval. The FDA approves genetically modified foods so long as they are safe for the consumer. Though they are not required to list their ingredients to consumers like other foods are. The developers of genetically modified foods are only recommended to consult the FDA before selling their product. Not knowing what is in the food we eat is not only risky but could prove detrimental to our health. These foods are relatively new and we have only been eating them for a while, without more FDA involvement genetically modified foods are a disaster waiting to happen. With no information on what is in our food and no mandatory regulations genetically engineered foods have the potential to cause a health crisis. What is meant to be better could ultimately end up being much worse.