With school will be a chance for more and higher grades. No one likes low grades in any class and thats fact! With extended time there will be more grades to go in the grade book. More grades can lead to a grade average up to million rather than less grades in! Sometimes we do bad on some worksheets and good. There will be a much better chance of raising your grades if you are as focused as a hunter on completing your work. Not everyone does the same on every test, quiz, homework or worksheet. With extra time your gigantic brain can suck up more knowledge as you continue to do more work! …show more content…
Sure school is boring and the worksheets are like a bunch of ants, but consider that good. More time on worksheets, in favorite classes, and a higher grade chance is better than nothing! School is a good learning environment and with extra time think about all the things you can learn. It is better to have good grades than bad grades and less time to raise it. Extra time would help out so much and the day would be a lot smoother and esker. Its better to be safe than sorry and those extra minutes in class will help a lot. Now, next time you are in school think about what can help you be the greatest you can