
Why Masks Are Baleful

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Why Masks Are Baleful
“Sometimes It’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off”-Anonymous. Everybody wears a mask. They’re a routine that people wear to cover up identities. People either feel happy to have one on, or sad that he or she can’t take it off, without being judged. Personas and masks are similar because he or she doesn’t want to be seen, in their true nature. Masks make people do things that cause trouble. They make people lie, cheat, and embellish their emotions, therefore wearing a mask is deleterious to everyone.

The first reason why wearing a mask is detrimental, is because it may cause a person to be judged or treated poorly. For example, this can be proven in the story, “Still Me Inside”, which is about, a girl named Mai Goda, who
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This can be shown in the story, “Charles”, which is about a boy named Laurie, who wears a mask at school to hide his true self, from his parents. He lies everyday and talks about a boy named Charles, which is actually just him. One day his parents found out and Charles had disappeared. On page 9, the text states that, “Charles was so fresh to the teacher’s friend he wasn't let do exercise.” Withal, this means that Laurie came home showing guile towards his parents, but they were really just about him. He wore a mask so that he couldn't tell his parents about the trouble-maker he was everyday, and when his parents asked him about who Charles was, and what he looked like, Laurie would dodge the question. This can also be stated in the story, “Still Me Inside”, which on page 31 it states that “One day, I was late for school and needed a pass from my Vice principal. I was met with a surprisingly stern look. Writing one, his voice and stare were condescending. Mistaking me for one of those punk delinquents, he left me with a warning: “Don’t make a habit of it”. Had I come late to school a week before, he would have said nothing.” To elucidate this means that because she decided to wear a mask, it was hard for her to take it off. And because she had met with trouble from the Vice Principal, while she had red hair, he wouldn't have cared if she was wearing or had her normal hair. Because …show more content…
Wearing a mask helps people fit in or feel accepted. When some wear masks it becomes easier to hide their insecurities, and people may say these things because they feel unprotected. After all, masks cover up emotions and anxiety. Nevertheless, some say that wearing a mask can make a person acrimonious because it hides who one is or may become. People who wear masks are all afraid of being judged so the only option is to transform themselves into something that they’re not. No one knows who another looks like, and they won’t know their identity either. This can cause some to miss out on so many great things in life. Wearing a mask is because it hides who someone really are. This connects with the short-film ”Identity”, which is about a girl who goes to high school where everyone wears a mask and when she accidentally trips in the bathroom her mask breaks which results her in taking it off. While she walks through the hallways she’s met with glares and strange looks, all because she did the thing that everyone was afraid of doing. This shows that wearing a mask can hide ones true

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