There are many reasons why I decided to go to college at this point in my life. I want to make my whole family proud of me, and become a better role model for my daughter. I also want to get a better and more stable job for the future, and further my education to improve my own personal well-being.…
Throughout high school, I had always envisioned myself in attending Texas A&M. There are still some extra steps I need to take but I know what my goals are and I’m going to do whatever it takes to achieve them. I know it’s not going to be simple but not impossible. My parents came to this country to work hard and better their lives for my brothers and me. My dad works too hard seven days a week and I look at how tired he is all the time. I want to be able to go to school, pursue my dreams, obtain my dream job and help other people. I want my parents to see that them working so hard and coming to America and leaving their entire family was worth it. I want to witness the happiness in my dads face when I walk across that stage at Texas A&M.…
In today’s day and age, having a college degree is important. It is so important it determines whether you will be living in the streets or living in a nice fancy house. Going to college is a big step in pursing your career. Being in college gives you many doors for opportunity. Graduating from high school is only the first step. After graduating high school today you will not find a high paying job as opposed to a college degree. When applying for a high paying job, many if not all will ask for your education background. When jobs are looking to hire you its your educational background vs. the other applicants that are trying to take the same position as you. Gaining a degree also gives you a emotion of a strong…
It was at my aunt’s birthday party, when I made the decision to attend college. She asked me that day,” Mija, are you going to college?” At first I hesitated, “Si” . Then she told me, “Are you sure because that is exactly what your older sister said and she ended up pregnant.” After hearing those words, I knew for sure I wanted to be the first in my family to attend college. I wanted to prove her what I said I meant it and was going to make it come true.…
When considering whether to return to college or not, another important aspect to think about is investing in your future to further your career options. Now days with the growing demand of specialty careers, it’s almost impossible to climb the corporate ladder if you don’t have a degree. Another added benefit is with a degree you can almost bet that you will have an increasing salary, much higher than if you never received a degree at all. College graduates earn 84 percent more money over their lifetime on average than people with just high school diplomas, according to a study by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and…
College is defined as an organized group of professional people with particular aims, duties, and privileges. It is definitely much more than that; it is more of an experience that everyone must experience. You learn to balance your money, make moral decisions, maybe ask people for loans, make everlasting friends, and get a great education. You also would get the experience of living by yourself and without your parents. That is the dream that many teenagers have and will become reality when they enter college. As a junior in high school, the college questions stat coming up. What do you want to do in college? What college do you want to go to? All these questions can be hard to answer, but I plan to answer them within this short occasional paper.…
The more I think about why I am starting college I do not know myself maybe I took it because it was the next step right after high school or I want to have a successful career and have a sturdy income. Also, it could be that I saw my peers starting college and wanted to know what college is. Another big element is my ethnicity because my uncles, aunts, and family members all went to college and they are either in the medical or in the engineering field they expect the same from me. They also keep on asking me what I am majoring in even though I don’t know myself I say I want to be a doctor and it’s the answer they are looking for. These are the factors that are connecting me to college currently.…
My high school experience has been a success for me to get to college by taking all of the class I needed to get this far. I have came a long way during my high school career because I really thought I wouldn't have made it this far due to struggling to keep my grades up but as I started it’s not hard at all to keep them up you just have to try hard and get the job done. Although being in Upward Bound has help me accomplish these goals to make it his far from ninth grade to twelfth grade. Due to being in Upward Bound I have learned a lot of things such as you have to do things own your own because nothings ever going to be handed to you. Now that I finally realize that I'm a senior in high school and that time has real passed by now I'm standing here with a diploma something I've been waiting for all my life.…
Growing up, it was instilled in me that college was a requirement. The vision has always been to graduate high school, then proceed to college, it was just a matter of where I wanted to go, what I wanted to study, and how to acquire the funds for it. However, as I got older college became a choice I had to make based on how I wanted my future to go. When I figured out I wanted to pursue a career in Environmental Engineering I knew college was the path to take. With that being said, going to college and pursuing my particular major is important to me because knowledge is key whether it's about my field of study or myself and I want to use it to help the world.…
Being a young adult about to start college has put a lot of stress on trying to find out how I’m going to pay. Many students around the United States have the same state of mind and from my community, many just decide not to go. Coming from a low/middle class family things have always been inflexible, I’ve never had the same opportunity other kids have had. So college is no exception, things are going to be even tighter with money. I want to become a doctor, but at what cost to me? What stresses will I have to go through to get there. College is already a taxing place where students work hard to better themselves. Increasing college tuition only adds to the stress that these students endure. In order to keep these colleges going, they need…
I want to attend college so that I can simply further my education and better my future. I think higher education is a must in this society during this type of economy. The bar has been raised and I think employers are looking for more credential. In order to stand above the rest, you need a degree or something more than just a high school diploma. Ultimately, my goals in college are to gain the skills that I need to lead a successful and productive life, to become well educated in many things, to expand my knowledge of the world, to expand my comfort zone, and to become more proactive. College should be a life changing experience and in fact to encounter myself intellectually grow as a person while in the process. Education is the backbone to life and the more knowledge I possess the more doors that will be open for me to walk through. Being constantly engaged in the learning process will help me remain competitive and relevant in this environment. My ability to embrace new things and use them to my advantage will surely be beneficial in furthering my education and a career. I believe if I…
The reason why I go to college is that I want to improve myself in some ways. First, I can get much more independent after I go to college. In college, I have to decide everything by myself, and I should be responsible for everything I said and did. There are many things that I never did before I go to college. For example, I have never live in the dormitory before. It was the first time that I lived with other people from different places. Everyone’s lifestyles are different, and I have to be accustomed to it. After living in the dormitory, I knew how to get along with different kind of people. Second, I can find the thing that I would like to do in the future. In the college, there are many different kinds of courses for us to take. Whether…
The most successful people in this world constantly seek new knowledge. Whether it’s through pursuing many degrees, taking vocational classes even after they have a solid career, or snagging opportunities to learn from other knowledgeable people, they always go for it. I have the drive and inspiration to continue to learn like these people, because no matter what, there is always a thought or idea I have yet to be exposed to. I strive to be educated in a variety of areas, including the area I want to focus my career in. I am still undecided on what academic path I intend to pursue. However, no matter what I choose to do in the end, I want to be confident in my abilities, and I want my colleagues and clients to have trust in me as well. For me, these goals start with a valuable college education that will give me a foundation on which I can continue to grow and learn.…
Why enroll in college? It’s a question thousands of graduating high school students will ponder every year. This was also a question I had to ask myself many years ago. In making such a decision there are many things to think about. What do you want to get from a college education? Is there a certain degree that you are striving for? What challenges are there that could possibly be in the way of you meeting your goal? Over and over again students attend college just to attend. They never have a real focus on what the end point should be. It is important that you set a goal, and stay motivated.…
Like almost everyone already asked this question when they have finished high school. Where will I be in about 10, 20 or even more 40 years? . I do not think anyone would like to be a waiter or taxi driver the rest of life; hence, going to college is a good way to know what you will be. It will help you to develop your abilities, your skills, accomplish your goals. People with a higher education can make a difference in the world. My reason for going to college is because I want a better life for myself and it will open many doors in my future life.…