That is the truth that the decision to involve yourself into a particular occupation is fateful for your way to the future. Therefore, it is serious about choosing your occupation and you must be prudentially in making upyour decision. I am strongly agreed that a person’s career choice should bedetermined by his or her interest. In this essay, I will attentively focus onthe three dimensions which have greatly influenced the individual sinterest level which are sense of dedication, the level of motivation and theintuition of our own.
First and foremost, when you are enthusiastic in the work that you aredoing, there are developed a strong sense of dedication. That means youhave the highly willingness to dedicate yourself into the work. You may bespending the mostly time on your work to achieve the best results andoutcome. Moreover, the willingness of dedication able to pave the way tothe tremendous success, for example, if you do not have the interest onyour current job, then soon will generate a growing sense of disenchantingwith the work you are currently work on.
Secondly, the level of the motivation which are indicated by the passion and interest that you have paid in your work. In other words, highlymotivation will accelerate the speed of working, which in turn the greatlyproductivity. In the same token, the greatly productivity boost your self-confidence and self-satisfactory instead in a positive way. For example, aperson’s excellent performance may build up his confidence, satisfactionand ability.
Last but not least, how to choose the best career ourselves? This is thequestions may have been asked frequently especially for the newlygraduation students from University or college. They may feel it is absurd tofollow own interest instead of the figure out the best and quick way tomake them success and make money as much as possibly they can.However, our own interest in the