I have dream to be a psychologist, since I was 10 years old. I read and wrote well in Korea because I really wanted to pursue a degree in psychology. When I take seriously, I always do better than the others. Therefore, I want to prepare myself with the appropriate reading and writing skills that will be required in my pursuit.
Challenge made more improvement in my life. One year ago, just after I came to U.S., I didn’t know any of English. I didn’t learn English much that I couldn’t even speak and write. At that time, I improved most because I studied most to get normal score. Therefore, I can speak, even write. I just got A in the ESL class and I passed it. Now, I’m in ESL for help, but I believe, Also, I pushed myself in Korea to ready for the challenge. Thus, usually, I thrive in a challenge environment.
It is fact that people choose either study or play by environment. People who is in library study, and the other people who is in a place where can find joyful activity easily play. Therefore, I want to learn in better environment. In normal class, most of people don’t study. They’re just staying there for credit. However, I don’t want to just stay for the credit. I want to learn. Therefore, I have to be in better environment.
As you see, my English grade is getting higher. In additional, I want to study. I believe, the first way to success my dream is being in honors. I can study for another, however, there’s limit. Thus, I want to be in