(a) Discuss how to take a holistic approach to children’s development while using frameworks.
Child development is the rate at which a child grows not just in the physical sense but what they can do and how they react to things. “ To be able to support children’s development and care for them effectively you need knowledge of the usual paths of development of children.” (National Extension College, 2006). which is the recognition and understanding of the child’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth? However taking a holistic approach towards children’s development considers every aspects of a child, for example by considering the family, the environment in which they live, the economic circumstances, culture and ability along with the developmental paths mentioned above. The holistic approach will focus on a child’s development by identifying various frameworks that support this process.
The Government have enforced legislative documents through national frameworks, such as the Children’s Act 2004 which stimulated the development of the Every Child Matters 2006 legislation, which then led to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2007(for the young children). These pieces of legislation have forced all child care professionals to consider every child individually to ensure inclusion resulting in a holistic approach. For example every child has a right to stay safe, to participate, economic well-being, to enjoy and achieve and be healthy. (DCSF, 27th March 2010, www.dcsf.gov.uk)
All childcare providers should, (while working with the frame works and in a holistic manner, have an awareness of anti –bias/anti-discriminatory practice. “Anti-bias/anti-discriminatory practice is free from stereotypical assumptions and conjecture.” (Sheila Riddall-Leech 2006). The frameworks mentioned help to stop bias and discrimination as they assist you as they look at all aspects of the person not just one area. As a childcare professional