Topic: Fast Food Advertising
Part 2: Language and Mass Communication
Date: 24/4/2014
Criterion A: 9/10 Knowledge and understanding of text(s) and subject matter or extract You showed pleasing knowledge of your topic and your advertisements. Well done for identifying the three demographics: men, women, children and skeptics. It was evident that you were very aware of how the advertisements were aimed at these demographics.
Criterion B: 9/10
Understanding of how language is used You thoroughly discussed the language techniques used to attract your three groups. Some of the things you mentioned were:
• Visual stimuli
• Rhyme: Happy Mum, Happy Tum
• Implicit sexual connotation
• Colour: red suggests sex
• Personification: “Stop staring at me like I’m some piece of meat”
• Rhetorical question and pun: “Are you Mac enough?”
• Personal pronoun: you
• Subliminal messaging: The thing you want when you order salad; what they want is placed behind the font
• You could have included the size of the burger and what it symbolises.
• Font: you compared the small simple font to the larger fonts in the other advertisements.
• You neglected to mention ambient media. Perhaps this does not only show that it’s aimed at skeptics, but rather a move from some more traditional advertising approaches.
Criterion C: 4/5 Organisation Your presentation was well-organised and you linked your ideas together carefully. Well done for comparing and contrasting elements of your presentation, especially how advertisements change depending on the demographic.
Criterion D: 4/5 Language You presented your ideas well and formally. Well done for showing this through your choice of language. There were only two suggestions I can make. Spectator: refers more to sport. You should use audience or target audience Hypercritical: hypocritical. This was a small pronunciation issue.
Overall: 26/30 Overall you