What is thinking?
The process of using one’s mind to consider or reason about something
What makes human thinking unique? “Classifying an object according to selected criteria, attaching value to it, and judging its aesthetic appeal, are all mental operations that, in one way or another, give meaning to the phenomenal world” (Marsen, 2008, p.45)
The process of human thought is unique in and of itself because
1. It involves personal opinion and perception
2. Its shaped and molded through socioeconomic upbringing and values
3. It takes into account factual and perceived information (for some)
How and why do humans express their thoughts?
1. Humans express their thoughts to exchange data, express feelings and/or feelings, vent frustrations, and sharing opinions regards various subjects
2. These thoughts can be verbal or nonverbal (meaning written via email or text) given the technological nature humans have assumed within the past decade.
If humans can’t think without memory, then it is obviously very important. In what ways can you enhance your memory?
Memory enhancement via Mnemonics Certain games; crossword puzzles (look up) Learning to play an instrument Socializing regular to ward of off stress and depression, which can contribute to memory loss (mayo clinic quote) “Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can contribute to memory loss.” Get organized and focused Exercise and eat healthy
Identify an instance in your life in which your perception of the real situation was far from the actual facts.
Recently purchased a car with my husband and he came home upset or acting distant so I thought.
What did you think was going on?
I thought he was mad about the choice of car I made or that I didn’t listen to him on his choice
What was really going on?
He was actually frustrated with the dealership for not clearly explaining him how the arrangement they made