♪ Intonation ♪ Intonation contours in English Not all rises and falls in pitch that occur in the course of an English phrase can be attributed to stress. The same set of segments and word stresses can occur with a number of pitch patterns. Consider the difference between: • You’re going. (statement) • You’re going? (question) The rise and fall of pitch throughout is called its intonation contour. English has a number of intonation patterns which add conventionalized meanings
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SUBJECT/ CLASS/ TIME THEME/TOPIC/ LEARNING OUTCOMES/ OBJECTIVES SPECIFICATION/ACTIVITIES REMARKS ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 2 8.30-9.30 THEME : WORLD OF KNOOWLEDGE TOPIC : MY HOBBIES CS : 2.1 By the end of yr6 pupil will be able to apply knowledge of sound to recognice the text. LS : 2.1.3 Able to blend phonemes and segment words into phonemes and spell. LEARNING OUTCOME : By the end of class students should be able to: Pupil able to segment words correctly
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FIRST YEAR ENGLISH LAB MANUAL It is useful for JNT University Engineering Students. PREPARED BY DEPT. OF ENGLISH JOGINPALLY B.R ENGINEERING COLLEGE Yenkapally (v)‚ moinabad (m)‚ R.R. Dist UNIT-I PHONETICS INTRODUCTION: Language has a very important social purpose‚ because it is mainly used for linguistic communication. Linguistics is a systematic study of language. Phonetics is a branch of linguistics
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Some characteristics of English morphological blends Stefan Th. Gries University of Southern Denmark at Sønderborg 1. Introduction One out of many word-formation processes in English is known as blending. It can be roughly defined as the intentional coinage of a new word by fusing parts of at least two source words of which either one is shortened in the fusion and/or where there is some form of phonemic or graphemic overlap of the source words; 1 some well-known examples are given
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How does the phonology of a one year old differ from that of a two-three year old? Describe the main changes to be expected over the first year of word use. A child between one and three years undergoes considerable development in their phonological ability (Ingram‚ 1986). They adopt specific phonological processes and it will be explored when and how children use these to attain accurate pronunciations and how individual differences affect phonological development. Grunwell (1981) suggests
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Pronunciation Sounds and spelling There are 26 letters in the English alphabet but there are 44 sounds in the English language. This means that the number of sounds in a word is not always the same as the number of letters. The word ’CAT’ has three letters and three sounds but the word ’CATCH’ has five letters but still only three sounds. If we write these words using phonemic symbols‚ we can see exactly how many sounds they have. CAT is written /k æ t/ CATCH is written /k æ ʧ/ In ’CATCH’
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of Indian English Indian English refers to dialects or varieties of English spoken primarily in India and also by Indian Diaspora elsewhere In the world. Due to British colonialism for over two hundred years’ as were used more to British English than to American‚ Australian or Canadian English. And due to the presence of vernacular languages in our country‚ English was chosen to be the co-official language of the union of India. Our obvious choice is one of the varieties of British English; which educated
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Phonology is the study of the speech sounds and sound of words in a language. It is also concerned with the way words are pronounced in a language. Each language has its own phonology. From a child’s point of view‚ the business of phonology is figuring out how to produce those sounds that are necessary for making meaning. Infants know the sound of language before their first word. The most amazing part is babies learn from way before in utero (Siegler‚ 2005). Patricia Kuhl talks about how infants
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Contemporary Indonesian Phonology and Morphology: Some Evidence of Language Change and Innovations The Roundtable Meeting‚ Leiden University‚ Leiden‚ 26’ 28 March 2008 Bambang Kaswanti Purwo Atma Jaya Catholic University Abstract For almost half a century Indonesian cannot refrain from having to bear with the mass and rapid influx of English loanwords. Since 1970s there has been a strong pressure‚ initiated by Pusat Bahasa (the Language Center)‚ for the change from Dutch-soundlike loanwords
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Descriptive Linguistics Thesis Statement: Knowledge on phonology‚ morphology‚ syntax and semantics constitutes our understanding of linguistics. Linguistics is derived from the Latin root “lingua” which means tongue. It is the science of language‚ its origin‚ its structure‚ modification‚ etc. including phonetics‚ phonemics‚ morphology‚ syntax and semantics of language. I. Phonology Phonology is the science of speech sound or the sound system of language. It is also defined as the phonemics
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