"Hydrolysis of starch by hcl" Essays and Research Papers

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    BIO100 Biology Concepts Lab 2: Biochemical Analysis Dec 12 2014 | Logged in as : MAV2020753 Introduction Assessment Feedback Thank you for your participation in this assignment. Your work has been submitted to your instructor. Total score: 25  out of 100‚ 25% Question Feedback Question 1 of 20 The subatomic particles that play the greatest role in cellular chemical reactions are electrons. protons. neutrons. isotopes. 0  out of  5 The correct answer is: electrons. Question 2 of 20 The

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    acidic medium and oxidative stress. An ideal stability indicating method is one that quantifies the standard drug alone and also resolves its degradation products. So described‚ different types of stress were used thermal‚ oxidation‚base hydrolysis and acid hydrolysis. Although unknown degradant peaks were observed in the acid‚ base‚ peroxide and thermal study‚ no degradant peaks were reported in the retention time(Rt) of lamivudine‚ zidovudine and nevirapine. Therefore‚ lamivudine‚ zidovudine and nevirapine

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    enzyme kinetics

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    Experiment 4: Enzyme Kinetics. Results/Discussion Week 1 Part A: Table 1. Enzyme activity for each assay of 4-nitroaniline formation. Rate of 4-nitroaniline formation Name of trial Abs/sec Abs/min M/min mol/min µmol/min #1 0.00003 0.0018 2.05x10-7 2.15 x10-10 2.15 x10-4 # 2 0.00010 0.0060 6.81x10-7 7.15x10-10 7.15x10-4 # 3 0.00020 0.0120 1.36x10-6 1.43x10-9 1.43x10-3 # 4 0.00030 0.0180 2.00x10-6 2.10x10-9 2.10x10-3

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    first. To find the solubility of the fats‚ oils‚ soaps‚ and detergents‚ each of them were placed into different solvents to see if they dissolved. None of the oils and fats were soluble in water (H2O)‚ sodium hydroxide (NaOH)‚ or hydrochloric acid (HCl)‚ but they were soluble in toluene and partly soluble in acetone. Testing the soaps and detergents for their solubility in water is the most important solubility test because they should form a lather that allows them to clean easily. Most of the soaps

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    How Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols React to Produce Esters: Esters and Ester Production: Esters are abundant and ever present‚ and are the chemical basis of almost all fatty acids and oils. Small esters are responsible for the aroma of fruits‚ perfumes and‚ by extension‚ wines and other alcohols. Esters are formed when a carboxylic acid and an alcohol chemically combine‚ losing a molecule of water in the process. Carboxylic acids are organic molecular compounds that form a homologous series

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    Organic Chemistry Al Notes

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    Topic Acid-Base Theory (Unit 1) Acid-Base Theory (Unit 2) Isomerism (Unit 1) Isomerism (Unit 2) Nomenclature Reaction Mechanism (Unit 1) - Introduction to Mechanism Reaction Mechanism (Unit 2) - Nucleophilic substitution Reaction Mechanism (Unit 3) - Nucleophilic substitution Reaction Mechanism (Unit 4) - Nucleophilic substitution Reaction Mechanism (Unit 5) - Nucleophilic substitution Reaction Mechanism (Unit 6) - Nucleophilic substitution Reaction Mechanism (Unit 7) - Elimination Reaction Mechanism

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    briefly explain the process of digestion in ruminants Asked by ANUSHA SHISHIR PA... 3 days‚ 1 hour ago Subject:Science 3 Answers The procees of digestion is completedd through four chambers 1)Rumen 2)Reticulam 3)omasumn  4)abomasum In the first two chambers‚ the rume and the reticulum‚ the food is mixed with saliva and separates into layers of solid and liquid material. Solids clump toget her to form the cud or bolus. The cud is then regurgitated and chewed to completely mix it with saliva and

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    1/2013-5/2013 Budget estimation: II/- RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1.AIM: * Prepareration of heat-moisture treated in presentation of diferent organic acid * Deternimination of physicochemical properties of treated starch * Invesstigation of resistant starch contents of treadted starch 2. Background 2.1 Literature review 2.1.1Overview of Sweet and yam potato Sweet Potato - common name applied to a perennial‚ trailing herb of the bindweed family. The plant‚ which is native to tropical America

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    answers2e ch02

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    Mastering Concepts 2.1 1. Which chemical elements do organisms require in large amounts? Carbon‚ oxygen‚ hydrogen‚ nitrogen‚ sulfur‚ and phosphorus are the chemical elements that organisms require in large amounts. 2. Where in an atom are protons‚ neutrons‚ and electrons located? An atom’s protons and neutrons are in its nucleus. A cloud of electrons surrounds the nucleus. 3. What does an element’s atomic number indicate? An atom’s atomic number indicates the number of protons in its nucleus

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    acid and a few drops of conc. sulphuric acid. Pour into water. | (i) Litmus turns red and a white precipitate with silver nitrate(aq) (drop on end of glass rod)‚ if the mixture is poured into water you may detect a ’pleasant’ ester odour‚ can test for HCl but water and amines produce it too!(ii) as for (1) but no ester smell!(iii) You should get a ’pleasant’ characteristic smell of an ester. | (i) R-OH + CH3COCl ==> CH3COOR + HClAn ester and hydrogen chloride are formed(ii) R-OH + PCl5 ==> R-Cl + POCl3 + HCla

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