Fill in all logs and answer the reflection questions completely with supporting details.
Section 1: Goals
Include your goals for each area of wellness before completing the reflection question.
1. Physical
2. Social
3. Emotional
4. Academic
Goal Reflection Questions:
Describe your progress for each goal. If you have met or exceeded a goal, also include a new goal for that area of wellness. If you are still working toward a goal, describe the specific steps you will take to help you complete it.
Section 2: Target Heart Rate
Originally, my resting heart rate was ______ bpm.
Originally, my target heart rate zone was _____ bpm to _____ bpm.
Currently, my resting heart rate is ______ bpm.
Currently, my target heart rate zone is _____ bpm to _____ bpm.
Have your RHR and THRZ changed since first measured in Module One? Have you been working more at the lower or higher end of your THRZ this week?
Section 3: Fitness Assessments
Include the Baseline, Module One, Module Two, and Module Three results below.
Lesson 1.03
Baseline Results
Module 1
Wellness Plan Results
Module 2
Wellness Plan Results
Module 3
Wellness Plan Results
Mile Run/Walk
Body Mass Index
Aerobic Capacity
Trunk Lift
Sit and Reach
Fitness Assessment Reflection Questions:
What areas of fitness show an improvement through these fitness assessments, and what activities do you think contributed to these improvements?
Section 4: Flexibility Workout Log
Perform and log stretching exercises for all eight muscles listed below at least three days per week, but you may stretch every day. You may add muscle groups and exercises of your choice into your routine.
Date #1
Date #2
Date #3
Flexibility Exercises
Muscle Stretched
# of Repetitions
# of Repetitions
# of Repetitions
Lying Quad Stretch
Modified Hurdler's Stretch
Upper Back and Torso Stretch
Calf Stretch
Lower Back Stretch
Latisimus Dorsi
Chest/Bicep Stretch
Shoulder/Tricep Stretch
Lying Abdominal Stretch
Flexibility Reflection Questions:
What stretches are easiest for you and which are the most challenging? How does this relate to the activities you complete regularly on your activity log?
Section 5: Muscular Strength and Endurance Log
Date #1:
Date #2:
Date #3:
Muscle Worked
# of sets
# of reps
# of sets
# of reps
# of sets
# of reps
Latisimus Dorsi
Complete muscular exercises in three nonconsecutive days. Do not work the same muscle groups more than once within a 48-hour period.
Muscular Strength and Endurance Reflection Question:
1. What change to your routine have you made since starting? How has it affected your workouts?
2. Search the internet for one positive and one negative example of health and fitness advertisements. Write a short reflection for each that includes:
The web address of the advertisement
A description of the ad–its message and what it’s “selling”
What advertising technique it employs
An analysis of why you think the ad could have either a positive or negative effect on someone’s health
Section 6: Physical Activity Log
Include all moderate and vigorous physical activity in the table below. Keep adding rows to show all of your activities.
Physical Activity
Activity minutes without warm-up
Physical Activity Reflection Questions:
What was your favorite activity completed in this activity log? What muscles are used in this activity and what components of health-related fitness does it involve?
Section 7: Fitness Tracker Data
Module 1
Wellness Plan Results
Module 2
Wellness Plan Results
Module 3
Wellness Plan Results
Average Daily Moves This Week
% Toward My Goal This Week
Total Moves This Week
Fitness Tracker Reflection Question:
Based on these values, how do you feel about your level of activity and daily moves? What actions can you take to continue to improve the average daily moves?
Physical Activity
Activity Minutes without Warm-up