The objective of the research was to look into the management/leadership style and determining ethical problem on teacher relationship and performance, and its impact to students in terms of quality learning. In this research includes the issues and solutions about leadership and management styles of administration and the effects of the issue to the problem. The method used in this research was conducting an interview to the instructors or staff of the university. The outcome of the research is that the use management style and leadership style can lead to a bigger complication among employees if it is not managed well.
How These Styles Create an Ethical Problem and
“The impact of crises on organizations and individuals has been stronger than ever” (Wang, 2008, p. 1). Leaders in organizations need to be aware of these words. They should have specific skills, which will enable them to prepare, manage, and find a solution for possible crises that could threaten the existence of their organizations.
Instructional leadership is unique to the field of education and it differs from other types of leaderships because it is related to students, teachers, curricula and learning-teaching processes (Gümüceli, 1996b). The critical role of "being instructional leader" played by the principals affects teaching and student achievement (Blasé & Blasé ', 1999, 2000, 2004; Deal & Peterson, 1998; Hallinger & Murphy, 1985; Hart & Bredeson, 1996; Hoy & Hoy, 2003; GümüceU, 2001; Leithwood, Jantzi, & Stein- bach, 1999; Özden 1998; Weber, 1996; Whitaker,1997). Çelik (1999), Hoy and Hoy (2003) and Çiçman (2004) argue that the main aim of schools is to teach, which is an aim accompanied by secondary activities and objectives. Gümüceli (1996a) determined that instead of leadership behaviors, the principals take more responsibilities such as the bureaucratic and legal barriers, time Limitation, insufficiency of education, visions, determination. As
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