Intimately connecting herself to the environment in Horse Lick Creek, Kingsolver uses personal memories to both affix herself in nature and to elaborate upon her desire to protect it. In her work, “The Memory Palace,” Kingsolver tells of her own experience with her environment and how her childhood in the woods altered and benefitted her sense of self in the world.…
Today we are crossing the Kansas River to reach Alcone Springs. We still have a long way but it takes about 15 minutes to cross so I thought i would sit down and write about our past 3 days. It cost $1 to use the Pappin Ferry to get across. Our rope has been really good so far and haven't fixed it. On the 19th Grace got a spring cold which I got really worried because i don't know where a General store is ahead and if we run out of medicine right now… it will be bad. Other then that, much hasn't happened besides getting sick. The journey is doing good so far, lots of walking and stopping but what can you do.…
Stacey couldn’t have cared less about the near miss with the guy in the car because he was in a hurry trying to get to Nadley Pond before Ranger Arlen went home for the day. He was camping alone that Memorial Day weekend of 1988 and he needed to connect and talk to somebody familiar. It was weird, but over the last three years, Arlen made him feel that he could come to the place he still felt connected to his friend Arlene, and talk to Arlen as if he was talking to her at the same time. He would never tell anybody that, certainly not Arlen, because it sounded irrational to think it, let alone say it out loud. He craved something crazy, and to top it all off, he had to camp at Wharton Pond because he didn’t have the camper anymore to satisfy…
Justin and Kenny was having fun swimming in Blue Lake, suddenly Kenny got out of the water, “I need to go home I am going fishing with my grandpa,” he said grabbing the towel and wrapping it around his waist. “I will see you later.”…
It's been seventeen years since most of humanity was wiped out. The people that survived are hardened and cooled. Sometimes I wonder if living people are worse than the infected ones. I don't know how long I have I am in pain but that's the last thing on my mind. two weeks ago I went into a store to get what little i coled find. I heard infected inside but I had a UV light and these things burn in sunlight. UV lights work but mine was low on batteries and could give out but i didn't see any infected but the floor looked rooted but I saw some cans of what looked like chilly. So I took the risk and started walking over to it when hand came up from the floor and grabbed my lag. I fell and broke thro the floor and fell into the basement five infected…
We decide to stay a while longer then head home for school. We are anxious to even think about the night of the accident but it’s glued to our minds but we make through the day and head to the hospital. We go to the hospital again and again until she is able to walk. I ask her “how do you feel?” She says “i’m fine son.” Me, Aaron and Kayla talk to her on the way home, we get home and uncle is there. I saw his face it was All black and blue with stitches from the surgery. Uncle didn’t want us to see him he thought we would be scared of him. A few months have passed she is still a little sore from it, she finally tells us “I almost had to go into emergency surgery because they couldn’t get me to stop bleeding.” and dad has come back from Iraq the snow has piled up 19 inches high. The doctor said she couldn’t lift more than 50 lbs. She helped us shovel the snow such a good mom she shouldn’t help us she still did such a sweet…
"This is where we will make camp." One of them yells. That is all he says. I am so stiff I can barely move. I swing my legs over the edge of the cart and sit up. After I gather up my strength, I leap off the edge. I stumble and fall from the numbness in my legs. My arms are wrapped in a blanket, so I can't catch myself. I hit my head on a…
Today is my first day off since I’ve boarded the ship. My feelings have not changed since I’ve boarded the ship. I woke up and received a fresh breakfast of cocoa and hard biscuits. We’ve landed at the island of Tristan D’Acunha. It’s a beautiful island with perfect weather conditions. It felt good to finally be back on dry land. Our ship is starting to run out of food so I volunteered to go look for food. The daily activities of the men were fishing, hunting, and looking for food that’s been growing. I was searching for grown food when I came across a spring of fresh water. I knew we were running low on fresh water so I ran back to the ship, brought some help and hauled tons of drinking water to the ship. When we got back the captain had our lunch ready, all we had was fish but there was enough to feed the whole crew.…
April 3rd: the days seem to just keep mushing together today is already raining and gets even worse because I’m sick as a dog. The doctor on the ship thinks that I might have typhus fever, I’m lying in bed now worrying that I may have made a bad decision, what if I never see my family ever again. We are in Bermuda and I can’t even enjoy the sight since the fact that I’m feeling like I’m dying inside. My symptoms are abdominal pain that is killing me and nausea that makes me feel so queasy and light headed. The doctor thinks I got this sickness because I was exposed to the rat’s feces and their fleas that crawl around on the ship. The doctor is saying that I should be moved to the guard…
It was the perfect day at the cottage; there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the temperature stayed in the thirty-degree range. Everyone was hustling around the cottage trying to prepare food and supplies for our canoe trip. The canoe trip was an annual tradition that we carried on for the past six years. I continued to pack burgers, hot dogs, salads, snacks, and drinks into coolers and brought them down to the dock. The canoes were packed and everyone had lathered on a pound of sunscreen, so we began our paddle out to Whiskey Island. It was a steep climb up sharp jagged rocks, but once at the top there were pine tress and dry yellow grass scattered all over. Once we got everything set up, we decided to go to the part of the island that you could…
I woke up hazed with blurred vision. The right side of my face was dried and burned. The left side of my face was soaked in salt water and blood. I was freaked out and picked up my head and blinked rapidly. I saw nothing but blue for miles and miles, the sky and the water. When I looked down I saw nothing but a small black and orange rubber dingy. I tried to think about what had happened. It was then when I realized I couldn't even remember my own name. Then panic just settled in for some reason I jumped in the water freaking out. I came to my senses and quickly started using all my strength to hurdle myself in the dingy.…
One of the most important games in my life. I gave it all I had and put in everything I ever learned, but that just wasn’t enough. Not only did we lose 6-3, but my foot was just not as prepared for the game as I thought it would be. After the game, my heel and ankle weren’t right again. They were swollen and throbbing. I knew I had hurt it again. The next few months (9 months to be exact), I was in and out of boots, casts, and physical therapy. I had a big trip coming up and I needed to rest it, so they gave me a knee scooter to roll around in. Sadly, this meant I had lost all muscle in my calf and wasn’t able to walk through my trip, my trip to Israel. As I had never been to Israel, I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know that the roads were barely ever flat, and that I would have to hop most of my trip. I didn’t know that I would have to be carried most of the trip, or that my knee scooter, as fun as it was, would be one of the worst burdens that I have ever obtained. As the trip and the months go by, life got harder, and harder, and harder for…
As my leg numbed I fell to the wet ground. The grass poked my back as I started to cry, tears quickly falling down my face, making my vision blurry. My teammates rushed over to both of us laying on the ground. My ankle was the size of the soccer ball when I looked at it. I tried to suck it up and stand up, but I fell. I watched as my coach picked up her phone and called my mom.Then, she ran back trying to settle me down. I remembered my brother hurting his right foot and sitting in the emergency room with him crying hard. He never liked using his right foot anymore for shooting, passing, and dribbling. More burning tears ran down my face. I sat up and stretched my ankle it hurt, I layed back down. I knew I had done something seriously bad to my…
Albert Einstein once said, "Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." Similar to Einstein, the author Rachel Carson believed that human kind should embrace nature's and help preserve its beauty and life . In the passage from the book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, the author informs and persuades her audience against the dangers and misuse of pesticides. Rachel Carson is a renowned writer, ecologist, and scientist who dedicated her life to the conservation of the environment. Throughout her career as an editor in chief, marine biologist, and environmental activist, Carson continued to educate the public about the wonder and beauty of the living world. She emphasized humanity's power to alter the environment, but in "Silent Spring" she begins to challenge the traditional practices that disrupt the balance of nature. Carson not only blames farmers for unnecessary violence towards the environment, reveals the dangers on pesticides to her audience, and blames higher authorities, for the damage to wildlife through the use of pesticides in order to persuade her audience to take action against the mistreatment and abuse of the environment.…
Day 1 overseas, nothing but blue around me land was nowhere in sight. With my luck we drove straight into a storm, “thanks captain!” I thought to myself. Boat begins to sway back and forth, not too bad at first until we hit the big waves. It was impossible to walk, I started feeling queasy. One of the more experienced sailors asked if I was fine, I played it off as excitement. He looked at me with concern,but assured him I was fine. It seemed to work perfectly fine, I had played it off well. Lunch time comes along, worst possible timing! The boat had started to sway even worse. Stomach started churning, felt dizzy, there was no way I could eat anything now.…