Overall, I believe my argumentative essay titled The Argument for Electrical, Self-Driving Vehicles was my strongest essay this semester. I choose this essay for a couple different reasons, one of them is because I enjoyed writing this essay a bit more because the freedom to choose my content and it also represents how I have grown as a writer over the semester.
I believe my writing becomes stronger when I have an interest in the topic that I am writing about and in this case, it is technology. As this is something I intend to pursue in my future career as a software engineer, the future fills me with wonder with could happen and how it can benefit us as a people. Another reason
why I chose this essay is because I believe I do my strongest writing when the subject is not too personal to me and more research based. As a person, I love to learn about different subjects and writing to me, is just another vehicle to get to that end result. As I choose this topic, I already had an opinion, but it was nice to put it on paper and actually learn the pros and cons of self-driving vehicles and justify why I actually hold these views in the first place. I believe my strengths are my ability to express my viewpoints with logical reasoning, backed by government statistics.
As far as changes go, I made quite a few small changes. Probably the most important were how I addressed opposing arguments. I attempted to not be as dismissive to the opposing points that I mentioned. I believe addressing these points a bit better will make my essay stronger by aiding my credibility while being respectful to opponents of my argument.