First of all, animal testing has been very successful in not just helping us find cures for …show more content…
We are not just helping ourselves with animal testing, the animals are too! For example from the article “Should Animals be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing” Pro Con states “Treatments for animals developed using animal testing also include pacemakers for heart disease and remedies for glaucoma and hip dysplasia.”This means that we are not the only ones benefiting from this the animals get to be cured too! Most people think they are just slaughtered carelessly and tortured for only our benefit, but that is not true. Even though they may die, they do not die in vain or for no reason, they die for a reason, to help mankind. If this testing continues, we may not just save ourselves, but animals too. And as proven, animal testing is also helping the animals live longer, happier, and healthier …show more content…
For example from *article title * * author* states “ Additionally, anyone who works with animals in a scientific capacity has to go through rigorous training including courses in the ethics of using animals and the proper skills needed to perform procedures humanely.” This means that people don't just let someone walk in and perform surgery on an animal. These scientists go through years of training to perform these surgeries. The courses they go through teach them how to perform the procedure humanely for the animals safety. It is so important to know that scientists are not just injecting them with random injections, they are helping. That medicine they put in a bunny now, could be a cure for cancer. Thus, we are not hurting them, scientists do now what they are doing and do it with caution.
As you can see, animal testing is needed in our changing world to help us humans and animals. As you can see we are close to finding cures for many diseases which may not happen if animal testing is shut down, we are not the only one who is benefiting from this the anime are too, they are getting cured for diseases before we are, and we are not just letting a total stranger perform the procedure, fully trained and equipped scientist are, and they perform the procedure humanely. Animal testing is needed. So support it if you want to save or children and the next