Advantages of One to Another
A Term Paper
Presented to
Ms. Jeramie B. Landicho
College of Education,
Arts and Sciences, English Language
De La Salle Lipa
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Second Semester
School Year 2012-2013
Balbuena, Ace Patrick C.
Calderon, Elijah John T.
ABSTRACT Long ago people only use computers or also known as personal computers. But since the technology is fast evolving, Laptops or portable computers came into market and it not just stayed there, now we have tablets or touch screened gadgets. Tablet PCs have become quite popular thanks to their extreme portability, easy to use interfaces and the wide range of ways they can be used. This paper aims to show which is better and which is more efficient between tablets and computers. Since the trend now on especially on youths and business men is having a tablet, we will examine its advantages. We will also examine the advantage of computers since we are used in working with it even before these tablets come. In addition, the researchers also seek for the features of tablets and computers and examine which is better.
Tablets vs. Computers:
Advantages of One to Another
Many years have passed since computers were invented to help people in many ways. As people grow, computers improve in many ways. First is the laptop, next comes the tablet. Tablet PCs are just like desktop computers. Both can manage to do calculations and file storage. In entertainment, you can watch movies, play games and music in both devices. Tablet PCs are just improved desktop computers that’s why there are some features that a desktop computer doesn’t have. Desktop computers are much easier to use because of its parts that are helping the user to use the computer easily. One of the parts is the keyboard, which is easier to use than a touchscreen that a tablet PC has. Keyboards are used to input data to the computer system then the
References: Demand Media, Inc. (1999) Dye, F. (2003) Gutierrez, I. (2007) PC World. Media G8Way Corp. Kyrnin, M. Manila Bulletin (2013, Ferbruary 2) Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Computer Mouse.