Many species are being ripped from their homes and taken to an unknown environment for human entertainment through, circuses, zoos, aquariums and even hunting. Truthfully, no one deserves such a treatment of not being able to live the life that they were given for someone else’s advantage. A statement given by Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation says, “All the arguments to prove human superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals.” Animals were put on this earth for their own purpose and not for humans to use for their own well being which is why vegans are animals greatest allies because of wanting to let the species around us …show more content…
A study by Winston J. Craig, who’s apart of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, states that, “vegan diets tend to contain less saturated fat and cholesterol and more dietary fiber.” Vegans tend to live a healthier lifestyle than those who are on a meat-based diet do because of the high fibers through consuming fruits and plants only. People who do consume animal produce have a forty percent chance to getting cancer than non-meat eaters do because of the many hormones injected into meat. Americans typically have three to four times as much protein in their daily diet than what is necessary. Meat contains many antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals up to fourteen times more concentrated than those plant foods. Not only does a meat-based diet have many health risks but also it’s a more costly lifestyle than of a