While the Norths economy expanded and boomed, the Souths economy was shattered and devastated. The Souths economy was in ruins and they lost hundreds of thousands of young men. The South relied heavily on slave labor and would use them to do most of their work. The Civil War wrecked most of the Souths industry and farmland. On the other hand, the war’s effect on the Northern economy was much more positive. Much more jobs were available and more goods were always being made. People in the North came up with many developments in technology which was ultimately used to make weapons and improve transportation. While the economy boomed their was also a negative side. The wages couldn’t match up with the prices and the peoples standard of living worsen. Often times when white workers would go on strike, they would be replaced by women, blacks, and other immigrants who would agree to work for lower prices. As a result of the economy doing so well, the Congress decided to use this as an advantage. To cover all the war debt, the Congress started to collect income tax which was a tax used to take a percentage of an individuals
While the Norths economy expanded and boomed, the Souths economy was shattered and devastated. The Souths economy was in ruins and they lost hundreds of thousands of young men. The South relied heavily on slave labor and would use them to do most of their work. The Civil War wrecked most of the Souths industry and farmland. On the other hand, the war’s effect on the Northern economy was much more positive. Much more jobs were available and more goods were always being made. People in the North came up with many developments in technology which was ultimately used to make weapons and improve transportation. While the economy boomed their was also a negative side. The wages couldn’t match up with the prices and the peoples standard of living worsen. Often times when white workers would go on strike, they would be replaced by women, blacks, and other immigrants who would agree to work for lower prices. As a result of the economy doing so well, the Congress decided to use this as an advantage. To cover all the war debt, the Congress started to collect income tax which was a tax used to take a percentage of an individuals