You are the communications coordinator for a national drug manufacturer. Recently, there have been reports of significant negative effects caused by one of your medications that are used by a significant population. News reports have alleged that one of the individuals affected is a well-known public figure. You are tasked with addressing the news reports and the general public regarding this situation. As one of the head members of communications at DrugsRus for the past 15 years, it has been shown firsthand the belongings of narcotic medications on our local population. These have been analyzed and investigated on a national level. It is only recently that the overwhelming craving to the drugs has become widespread within our area; spreading like weeds throughout the country. The increase of drug dependent patients and drug related episodes has resulted in a raised amount of attention and concern from the public. Taking all of this into consideration, overdosing occurrences from incompatible interactions with other medications; narcotic, controlled, or non-narcotic properties alike, have resulted in an exceptional need for change within our business concerning patient rules, regulations, guidelines and restrictions. Changes to otherwise generally agree upon medications as well as required authorization approvals upon external medication intake must be reconsidered. Some have been asked by our board members to develop a communication strategy to address these needs as well as the impact HIPPA and other regulations will have on this type of communication. The following will include the communication strategy decided upon to take as well as the encountered use of regulatory systems such as HIPPA, followed by the advantages and disadvantages of using traditional, electronic and social media…