In translation * The concept of the world literature. * Henrik ibsen : an enemy of the people (public enemy) – ghosts. * Anton Chekhov: ivanov. * Wole soynka: death and the king Horseman. * Brain fried : translation * Gabriel Garcia Marques and the magical realism : a vary old man with enormous wings, the handsomest drowned man in the world. * Postcolonial theory Edward said's : introduction to orientalism. * All critical literature produced and related to these words and issues: * Comparative literature * Generative literature * National literature * Global literature
* Literary translation :
Is that rendering of a literary work, originally produced in one language , into another.
At one extreme of translation stands literal rendering of the work into the other language, without concern for the primary differences in idiom and imagery between the two languages.
At the other extreme is the adaptation of the work into the other language , and attempt to comprehend and communicate the spirit and meaning of the work by adapting it to the conventions and idioms of the language into which it is being rendered.
Each translator must strike some kind of balance between these two extremes – which is being called " faithful ugliness" or " faithless beauty".
* World literature :
A term coined but not defined by Goethe which means approximately that literature which is of all nations and peoples, and which by a mutual extreme of ideas, mediates between nations and helps to enrich the spirit of man.
Tomas Carlyle spoke of world literature – national literature: is the writing produced in both prose and poetry by writers of the same language and culture.
* Comparative literature :
Is the study of literature beyond the confines of one particular country, and the study of the relationship between literature one the one hand and other areas of knowledge and believes such as the art