1.1) Understand the principles and benefits of desktop publishing.
In this part of my assignment I will explain the main benefits of Desk Top Publishing as demonstrated in the Design Industry. There is much talk about desktop publishing and no one that has an understanding of graphics and publishing can doubt its usefulness. Obviously desktop publishing has great potential in the field of education, particularly where the production of educational resources is concerned. But how do you change from the traditional methods of production to those of desktop publishing? There are problems especially when no one has had previous experience with computers.
Desktop publishing provides an individual or business the means to produce quality material on the premises inexpensively. Many entrepreneurs and graphic artist have taken advantage of using this program. The disadvantages of the program are that in order to work it properly you will need to have some knowledge.
Desktop publishing involves using a computer and a printer, usually a laser printer to produce camera ready artwork. There is no intermediate step - what you get out of the laser printer is the finished artwork. The computer choice in our case was a Macintosh computer and a LaserWriter printer.
Desktop publishing lets you create your document, typeset it, design it and layout and paste it electronically. Yet desktop publishing can still be used in conjunction with existing graphic techniques.
Who can use it/can I use it?
Desktop publishing is used for creating documents or files on workstations or personal computers by use of page layout software. The system allows you to embed graphs and illustrations directly, specify different justifications and use various typefaces.
Also Desktop publishing can be utilised by anyone who uses print, produces letters, newsletters, booklets, brochures, leaflets, books and needs near typeset quality for graphic work. It has