Just like at the KC hall, I felt that I was making a difference in someone's life, even if it wasn’t directly. I knew that the food that we were stocking would benefit someone even if I wouldn’t get to see it first hand. This day was my favorite service, because it was a bunch of guys that got together to do something good for the community and it was awesome to see how God brought these guys together for a great cause. When I went to St. Mary’s, I didn’t necessarily feel that I was impacting the community in a huge way, but I still felt that without my help, it would have been a difficult event to hold without volunteers. With that in mind, I do feel that I did something to help the overall success of the event. The last hours that I completed were at the Edwardsville library, and I liked to do this because I definitely felt that I was having an impact on someone's life. I fulfilled the corporal work of instructing the ignorant, by teaching and assisting the kids with crafts. I enjoyed helping the kids, because it made me feel that I was really helping, and made an impact on their experience, or even if it made their
Just like at the KC hall, I felt that I was making a difference in someone's life, even if it wasn’t directly. I knew that the food that we were stocking would benefit someone even if I wouldn’t get to see it first hand. This day was my favorite service, because it was a bunch of guys that got together to do something good for the community and it was awesome to see how God brought these guys together for a great cause. When I went to St. Mary’s, I didn’t necessarily feel that I was impacting the community in a huge way, but I still felt that without my help, it would have been a difficult event to hold without volunteers. With that in mind, I do feel that I did something to help the overall success of the event. The last hours that I completed were at the Edwardsville library, and I liked to do this because I definitely felt that I was having an impact on someone's life. I fulfilled the corporal work of instructing the ignorant, by teaching and assisting the kids with crafts. I enjoyed helping the kids, because it made me feel that I was really helping, and made an impact on their experience, or even if it made their