Luis Gonzalez
English 95
Professor Shiloh Winsor
May 8, 2013
Luis Gonzalez
Professor Shiloh Winsor
English 95
May 8, 2013
Throughout my Writing experience I have always had trouble with making the sentence make sense, making it sound professional and doing what the assignment tells to do. I think that this class has actually helped me a lot more than in High School. The new paragraph is better because I listened to what my peers advised me to do and what the book says how the paragraphs should look like. I think I can still use some work on punctuations, because that’s my weakness I have always struggled with punctuations and I think it’s time to start doing better on those punctuations. Even If I knew how to do punctuations and everything that involves writing a good essay or paragraph I think that there will be still a lot more to learn for me, but I can take a challenge.
Luis Gonzalez
Professor Shiloh Winsor
English 95
May 8, 2013,
Description paragraph (Revised)
I was at the Elma Fair Grounds, entering the building where we bought our tickets. Exiting that same building right when I got out I received a firm smack in the face by some exquisite smells of cotton candy, fries, burgers, popcorn, with a mixture with barn animals, , and burned rubber from the car races that I had missed due to showing up late. At the entrance I saw beautiful, magnificent, serene, massive, horses, next to the horses where playful, pudgy, and muddy pigs. After we passed the barn side that’s when the fries, popcorn and burger aroma kicked in, everywhere I looked I would see food, food stands, people walking around selling food and even food on the ground. However, one of the best parts about a fair are the carnival games. I could hear the sound of glass bottles being struck by a plastic object, which was music to my ears, I instantly knew it was the ring toss game one of my favorite and next to that one was the ping pong ball toss.