14 1799 on Feb. 22 1732 "Washington was concerned with personal conduct, character and self-discipline, but was known to bend the rules if necessary, especially in war. Although Washington was undoubtedly ambitious, he pursued his goals humbly and with quiet confidence in his abilities as a leader.(This day in History February 22 1732)" Washington had many friends. Washington had a good side and a bad side; if someone got on his bad side they would stay there for quite some time because he was known for holding grudges. He is also known for wooden teeth but that is all a myth, Washington had one tooth by the time he was president he wore dentures and he had many sets that were very painful to him, they were often made from hippo or cow
14 1799 on Feb. 22 1732 "Washington was concerned with personal conduct, character and self-discipline, but was known to bend the rules if necessary, especially in war. Although Washington was undoubtedly ambitious, he pursued his goals humbly and with quiet confidence in his abilities as a leader.(This day in History February 22 1732)" Washington had many friends. Washington had a good side and a bad side; if someone got on his bad side they would stay there for quite some time because he was known for holding grudges. He is also known for wooden teeth but that is all a myth, Washington had one tooth by the time he was president he wore dentures and he had many sets that were very painful to him, they were often made from hippo or cow