George Washington was born on February 22, 1732.
His father was Augustine Washington, and his mother was Mary Ball Washington. Mr. Washington was a justice for the county court, and also a leading planter, while his mom was just a stay-at-home mom. Washington was the oldest, unless you count two other kids that Mary Ball Washington had before marrying Augustine Washington. George Washington was made a major in the British army in 1752. On January 6, 1759, George washington married Martha Custis.When America was established, and the colonists went to war against the British, Congress appointed Washington as commander-in-chief in 1775. Two things that helped mold George Washington’s great character were the Articles of Confederation and the Revolutionary War (Not necessarily in that order). At first, Washington didn’t even want to be president, but eventually, he gave in to the people and on January 10, 1789, he was elected president, and on April 30, he was
President Washington was in office for two terms. His Vice-President was John Adams, who was the runner-up. John Adams didn’t get along very well with Washington, because he thought Mr. President envied his knowledge. However, Washington mostly ignored Adams during his whole time as president. George Washington was the first federalist president, well, and the first president. Washington signed into law the first copyright act, the Copyright Act of 1790, which allowed authors to copyright titles. He also signed Jay’s Treaty, which stated that America would not go to war with Britain and it protected America’s commercial rights. Unfortunately, after Washington’s reign, in the year of 1812 that treaty was forgotten. One family that influenced Washington was the Fairfax family, who taught him about the accomplishments and proprieties of mannered wealth., which would be very important.
Washington was president until 1797.After his time as president, he retired to his old house on Mount Vernon. During this time, the former president spent most of his time just riding his horse. One day when he was riding his horse, there was a rain storm, which eventually turned into a hail storm. Washington did not to change his damp clothes, and in the morning, he woke with a sore throat. A couple days later, as his state worsened, he knew he would die. And in that year of 1799, Washington died. But his legacy as one of the founding fathers and the role model for the following presidents lived on. Washington was missed by his family, friends, and the whole country. Many people of the press criticized everything of Washington. Also, a whole other political party was formed, with Thomas Jefferson being one of them. They said that Washington had a “monarchical” style and an “aristocrat” behavior. This couldn’t be more wrong though. President Washington wanted nothing more than for everyone to have equal rights, with no ruler such as a king or queen. He did not think of himself as their ruler. Besides, eventually he wouldn’t even be president. George Washington was an amazing president, and he was so good, that nothing about him went down in history as a bad thing. George Washington was the best president because he fought for our country, protected it from war with Britain, and helped found the country we call home.