I believe what Ms. Bind and her colleagues have started on the right track. I think they need to find out more about Russell’s background, like his education, medical history (from his parents) and home situation. I think find out this information to eliminate or give them a better insight on Russell. As a team, they need to a create an personal action plan. The action plan should be consistent in all classes Russell attends, and have a set of simple rules and consequences.
Russell should be part of the creating the plan. I believe if he is part of the creation he can be able to self monitor his …show more content…
Is Russell likely to be able to use cognitive behavior management? Why or why not? If you decided to try CDM strategy how would you go about it?
I think CDM strategy would help Russell in achieving positive behaviors. Russell is at an age, where he needs to have some independence. He is still young to change him with guidance.
If the team is always trying to correct his behavior, he might not be. He will not or may not able to cope with issues happening outside of school in the future. If we teach him the proper techniques and be accountable for his behavior. Learning strategies and Knowing how to coop or be proactive when he starts feeling to show experience bad behavior feelings be beneficial to Russell . Questions he might think. Well, if I start feeling like this, this will happen. If it continues this will happen. But if I change my attitude and think what I am going to do or say and be more positive. This is how I will feel.
Ms. Bind and her colleagues needs to praise the growth and be willing to change the CBM strategies if it’s not suitable or achievable. They need to be willing to remind Russell of the strategies if he forgets be willing to incorporate new