Over eleven thousand people have lost their lives by firearm. Along with that, a small amount over fifteen hundred of these were in self defense. People holding on to weapons is a danger for themselves and for the ones around them. It's a lot to take in losing someone to the bullet fired by someone else. When I was 16 my brother was killed, at age 19, in front of Sunoco gas station in Huntsville, Alabama. Justice was served but that's because the shooter chose to not cover up to well and was caught by the cameras. The point is that even our youth are carrying guns and that is unacceptable. Adults may say that our generation is terrible. In reality and not going into pointing fingers, if their generation had have taken proper care of us, been more unselfish , and had had a little more dedication to be there for us when we put in the world through them then us as a whole would have turned out as good as they complain. It takes a boy to make a baby, but it takes a man to create one and it takes a girl to get a man, but it takes a woman to keep him. Weapons aren't the answer as we saw with Martin Luther King
Over eleven thousand people have lost their lives by firearm. Along with that, a small amount over fifteen hundred of these were in self defense. People holding on to weapons is a danger for themselves and for the ones around them. It's a lot to take in losing someone to the bullet fired by someone else. When I was 16 my brother was killed, at age 19, in front of Sunoco gas station in Huntsville, Alabama. Justice was served but that's because the shooter chose to not cover up to well and was caught by the cameras. The point is that even our youth are carrying guns and that is unacceptable. Adults may say that our generation is terrible. In reality and not going into pointing fingers, if their generation had have taken proper care of us, been more unselfish , and had had a little more dedication to be there for us when we put in the world through them then us as a whole would have turned out as good as they complain. It takes a boy to make a baby, but it takes a man to create one and it takes a girl to get a man, but it takes a woman to keep him. Weapons aren't the answer as we saw with Martin Luther King