
Has Welfare Made Our Country Lazy Summary

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Has Welfare Made Our Country Lazy Summary
Has Welfare Made Our Country Lazy? Welfare was created by President Franklin D Roosevelt during the Great Depression in response to the large unemployment rates and the depression of the economy. Today, this program has been greatly misused. As a nation, we rely on the government when we fail or cannot provide for ourselves; we have become less independent and more dependent on the government and others. Many conservatives argue that Welfare and social programs should be done away with, whereas liberals argue that they are helpful for those in need. Although Welfare can be used to help those with families, many have become dependent on the program. In the article, “Welfare Reform in Persistent Rural Poverty: Dreams, Disenchantments, and Diversity”, the author describes how we were created to thrive on our own by learning how to adapt to changes and solve our own problems with little to no assistance from others (Tickamyer). The government was created to make and establish laws, to prevent chaos, and to support the public in times of need. Therefore, the author is expressing that Americans need to learn how to solve their own problems. Sometimes families just cannot physically provide for their family and they need assistance for a short period of time and that is when Welfare is used like it was intended. …show more content…
This proverb is exemplifying that if a man is given something he will not work for it, but if a man is taught a skill then he will be able to use that skill to provide for his own needs. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, “even while we were with you we gave you this command: those not willing to work will not get to eat” (New International Version, 2 Thess. 3:10). Welfare is taken for granted and people have figured that if they do not work they can apply for welfare, get free food and housing, and never work a day in their

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