Bi Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in your contract of employment or employment agreement
The terms and conditions of your employment are a statement and instruction of what the employer's expect of their staff and your job description. Employer's expect their staff to read and follow the policy and procedures that the home have. to attend all training and update they have and to attend supervision and any obserations.
Bii Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/statement
· Company name
· Employee's name
· Tax code
· Date
· Payment period
· Payment method
· Employee number
· Nett pay
· Wk/MTH (32)
Biii Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer
· Change of address · Change in marital status · Change of next of kin
Biv Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a grievance at work. You may describe this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram he grievance should be raised verbally with your immediate superior. This should be done in confidence giving full detials and sufficient time to consider the facts of the case and where appropriate take remedical action. should your immediate superior not be able to satisfactorily resolve the grievance, the matter should be referred either verablly or in writing to the home owner whose decision will be final
An employee is entitled to have another present at any stage of the procedure
Bv Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the follow areas: 1. Data protection 2. Grievance 3. Conflict management 4. Anti-discriminatory practice 5. Health and safety 6. Confidentiality 7. Whistleblowing
1. Data protection
It is agreed no data is to be passed on to anyone without clients or next of kin consent and data about the clients or employees is not to be passed on or leave the premises, without premission