Positive influences I felt our group were very well prepared as we had a good use of resources. This included plenty of leaflets to give out on drugs to inform people on the effectiveness on drugs. We also had a laptop with the Talk to Frank game on it available for people to play, and other drugs game activities that were available for people to take part in. We also gave out questionnaires and cakes which rewarded those for taking part. We also had plenty of space to set up the table and all the activities. This was important as not having enough space would have meant not being able to set up all the activities we made. We also, had plenty of time as we had a good time slot of 2 hours between 11 – 1 to implement the campaign. This gave more time for us to hand out questionnaires and inform and teach more people on the effects of drugs. We all took part equally in the campaign as we were involved in the stereotyping activity where we all attached signs to us asking “do you think I take drugs?” where we asked people with regarding what we looked to like to whether we took drugs or not. This involved us dressing up in particular clothes which seemed to be very effective rather than showing pictures of people. I believe we also taught lots to people as many people were shocked at the information gave to them especially about the “legal highs activity”.
Negative influences
I felt we didn’t all equally participate in preparation as the questionnaire and research I made were not used and a different questionnaire was made. This in effect made it seem as if my contribution was not necessary. I also, felt that I didn’t take part in setting up the campaign as the presentation tasks went to other group members. However, the campaign involved dressing up as characters and I believe that we all did
Bibliography: http://www.talktofrank.com/?&gclid=CLf-1dOy6bcCFQ3KtAod_Q4AnA http://www.drugs.health.gov.au/internet/drugs/publishing.nsf/content/campaign4 http://www.shropshirelive.com/2011/06/22/campaign-reduces-ghb-drug-usage-in-oswestry-area/ http://www.shropshirestar.com/news/2013/03/03/how-police-smashed-shropshire-drugs-cartel/ http://www.talktofrank.com/?&gclid=CLf-1dOy6bcCFQ3KtAod_Q4AnA