health and social care level 3 unit 4 M2
One factor of activity theory which can be seen to apply to Mrs Beale is that Mrs Beale still remains active during her middle age. During the age in which Mrs Beale was working, she had a good social life and was also a part in different activities. At the time of her working life Mrs Beal’s Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social development was affected positively due to the fact she would go out with her colleagues. She also had family surrounding her who valued her which would make her feel have a high self-esteem and also have confidence. On the other hand, activity theory may not apply to Mrs Beale during her later adulthood due to the fact at this stage, Mrs Beale started to smoke and drink at the age. The fact that Mrs Beale was smoking and drinking at this age, it would affect her health. This could lead her liver being damaged in the near future which would have her having to go to health and social care services. For example due to the fact she is drinking and smoking she may end up in a care home when she becomes older.
One factor of the disengagement theory that can be applied to Mrs Beale is that as she has gotten older, she has started to withdraw from society. She does not regularly see her colleagues or family anymore. Having no contact with anyone would affect Mrs Beale emotionally. This is due to the fact she would feel low and insignificant. Mrs Beale does not take care of her health as she has started to smoke and drink. This may be due to the fact she has no contact with anyone and does not have a social life as she did before. Nonetheless, the disengagement may not apply to Mrs Beale as in her working life she was very active.
The activity theory could improve Mrs Beale’s well-being and health by ensuring that her social life was how it once was before her partner died. Activity theory is the idea that, older adults would be happier when they stay active and maintain their social interaction. Once Mrs Beale retired, she could still