In this report we will evaluate the definition of managing diversity, its importance,the consequence and some realted application towards certain organization.Managing diversity in generally talks about age and gender.but in real life,it speak broader than just that. It include more in the likes of race,culture,religion,family background,personel skill, attributes and so is important to understand the dimension of diversity, in order for us to take it in a different level. As we go thru this report, it will show all the main importance, and why it is essential for an organization to capture the right condition or way to manage diversity.
As we going to look further in what exactly managing diversity …show more content…
scope in related to its importance, consequence and some of its application towards certain selected organization, we shall take a look at its meaning and definition as a the early step.
Managing diversity can be generally describe as perceived difference among people, their age, their functional specialization and also their profession.
In a broader describtion,managing can best be describe as the variety of perspective and experience which comes from differences in race, culture, religion, mental or physical abilities, their heritage, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristic.
In today world, with increasing globalization take place,we need more interaction among people from diverse culture, belief and background to be happen more than before. Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but others as well. All these perception affect their interaction among each others. For an employees to function effectively as an organization, the human resource professional need to deal effectively with certain issue such as adaptability, change and communication.
As managing diversity is one of the essential thing to manage, there are some barriers that need to be overcome in order to executed it into the right condition. It is more than acknowledging difference in people. It involve recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination and promoting …show more content…
As we going thru this report,we will discuss more on the importance of managing diversity, the benefit and some of the analysis on how this managing diversity influence some organization.
2) The importance of managing diversity
After done with the understanding of what exactly the meaning of managing diversity, here we shall take a look on its importance to personnel and the organization itself. The importance of managing diversity can be specific into 3 major contributions, but in a broader way, it has more than just that. In order for us to understand, and applied it to our own routine work, we have to have a knowledge of it, in simple word, learn how to cope with it. When an organization have master how to deal with managing diversity, it become easy for them to march forward and the same goes with their employees. Managers or leader of every organization must be alert of how managing diversity importance can affect their employee’s performance, behavior and other aspect as this key point will give them some factors which can be analysis for the better growth of their organization.
2.1) Opportunity to be employed
Whenever we talk about opportunity to be employed and diversity itself,the most related factor to be bear in mind is that, are the organization appreciated the diversity when it come to hired such personnel and whether they will treat the personnel accordingly? The organization should valuing each person for their unique combination of skill competences, attributes, knowledge and personality traits. Not with their race, gender or any unrelated factor. This will bring an equal opportunity towards each personnel who may have a vary of skill and knowledge to be employed rather than just because who there are. The organization also can find a right person to do such task by emphasis on this and not alone the physical appearance alone.
2.2) Reputation and Social responsibility
Every and each organization deeply emphasize on their own image and reputation nowdays.the better corporate looking, the more reputation their gain will benefit them in wide area of goodness.managing diversity will help an organization to establish themselves among public and shown their competitor just how well their managing their organization by not selecting only a traditional employees while keeping their eyes and doors shut for others. With effective management of diversity, an organization will develops a reputation as an employer’s of choice. The organization will have the ability to attract the best talent, and the best part is, they can save money and time in the process of seeking, because the personnel will eventually come to them. And as they are becoming a public figure, the social responsibilities will also eventually being fulfilled.
2.3) Achievement of goals and objective.
In order to achieve every organization goals,it is importance to start of by acknowledging the diversity involve inside the organization. By paying a full attention to the diversity, management can monitor their overall performances and make the employers to be at their very best form. By doing this, the achievement of the organization goals and objective become more and more realistic and such,by ignoring the discrimination and harrastment towards the employee,organazition can be describe as well manage of their own organization. This will lead to healthy working environment where people fells that there are being recognize, appreciated and influence, motivated them to persuade the company goals without making a big mess out of it.
3) The consequence in managing diversity.
After a closeup analysis on the meaning and importance of managing diversity, we can say that the consequence of applying or ignoring it will bring affect the organization. A success,growth alongside the fall of an organization can be effected by managing diversity. In here, we shall analys all the consequence involving it.
3.1) The positive side of applying a good managing diversity is that an organization can enhances customer relation and increase their market share. This can best be explain when people, or customer are keen on buying product which is known coming from an organization which having a good diversity internally.Also,it can enhance employee relation with the management and this will reduce the cost of labour.This happen when some research have identified that an organization who having a good diversity are better at attracting and retaining skilled personnel. This eventually will reduce cost the organization had to bear because the personnel itself will get attracted. And the biggest influence is that,the diversity can improve the workforce quality and performance of an employee with their diverse skill,creativity,problem-solving and their flexibility
3.2) The drawback of not having a effective diversity can lead to an fall of an organization.employees may have facing a low morale,ambiguity,tension, conflict among themselves and miscommunication towards each other.if the diversity is not taking seriously,there will have a major problem that will accured when it comes to decision making and concentration on the task. This will affect the overall performance of the employee which will lead to a broken organization growth.
4) Application
4.1) Texas instrument (TI)
Employees vary in their perspectives about diversity and inclusion, which understandably may lead to conflict at times.
At T.I,they strive to make it safe for people to talk about these differences and to educate employees about how the differences can lead to better decisions and business results.
T.I use a number of tools to educate employees about different cultures and working relationships, including the TI Diversity Network, our internal diversity Web site, workshops, newsletters, conferences, e-mails.
Additionally, the T.I diversity director is tasked with developing programs that address tough issues on managing and valuing diversity. He publishes monthly thematic "diversity tips" and writes an internal blog that covers a range of contemporary issues and topics typically considered to be taboo for discussion in the workplace. This openness has led to meaningful dialogue and improved understanding of differences throughouts the company.
In 2009, TI launched Diversity Leadership Labs for influential leaders, who in turn took key lessons back to the organizations they represent. Customized for specific business units, the workshops included:
• "Building Trust Across Differences”
• "Evidence of
• "Gender Issues in the Workplace"
In 2010, TI plans to offer sessions focused on “Understanding American Culture” in Asia, along with “Understanding and Managing Diversity” in America. Additionally, T.I intend to expand existing sessions focused on how to deliver feedback considerately to employees from various cultures.
4.2) Nokia
Nokia aims to evolve its company culture toward a world-class example of an inclusive working environment. The goal is to enable men and women of different cultural or ethnic backgrounds, skills and abilities, lifestyles, generations and perspectives to contribute their best to our success.
While diversity is one of the key drivers of Nokia business success, it is also at the heart of Nokia’s Values and of the Nokia Way. At Nokia,they expect their employees to respect and encourage the strength that comes from diversity
Nokia are committed to providing equal and diverse opportunities for the employees to develop and grow, both personally and professionally. The company want benefiting from differences to be a natural part of the processes and leadership philosophy - allowing every employee and manager to take an active role in building inclusiveness and supporting positive change.
4.3) Shell
At Shell, diversity means all the ways we differ. It includes visible differences such as age, gender,ethnicity and physical appearance; as well as underlying differences such as thought styles, religion,nationality, and education.Inclusiveness means a workplace where differences are valued; where everyone has the opportunity to develop skills and talents consistent with our values and business objectives.
The aim is to create an organisation where people feel involved, respected, connected – where the richness of ideas, backgrounds and perspectives are harnessed to create business value. in our businesses is a complex, on-going change process, designed to increase organisational capability by addressing factors of ‘differences’ which have an impact on workplace performance. Fully utilising the potential contributions of all employees. Eliminating/reducing barriers that stand in the way of inclusion and full participation.Unleashing the creativity that comes from drawing from different ideas and backgrounds. Building relationships and demonstrating respect and fairness in our interactions with employees and external stakeholders –customers, suppliers, partners, community and shareholders.
4.4) Nike
Just as the direction and importance of corporate responsibility in the business model has evolved, so has our approach to diversity and inclusion. We are driven by the diversity of our employees, our communities and our consumers. Our ability to lead in innovation and creativity hinges on our ability to attract and retain the best global talent. We firmly believe that diversity drives innovation, and that effectively managing diversity and creating an inclusive work environment results in high-performing teams and –ultimately – a competitive advantage.
Diversity drives recruitment of the most dynamic people.
Diversity enriches the creativity and innovation that shapes the brand.
Diversity grows competitive advantage.
Diversity heightens the stature and belief in the brand within the culturally nuanced consumer base.
4.5) Standart chartered
They took several steps in 2007 as part of their ongoing commitment to create an inclusive environment for the people, customers and communities. Their have in place executive succession plans for over 200 critical leadership roles globally and the aim is to build a leadership pipeline that reflects the diversity of the markets the bank operate in. Over 40 nationalities across the global network are represented in the succession pool. The International Graduate Programme enables standart chartered to develop the leaders of tomorrow. In 2007, over 300 graduates from 28 countries joined the programme.In 2007, the Bank introduced part-time and flexible-time working arrangements in Ghana, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States as part of a pilot programme to create a flexible working environment. During 2008, the flexible working framework will be extended to more countries. Our medium-term goal is to make this policy available to all employees across the Bank and to expand our flexible working arrangements to include other opportunities, such as working from home. This will help improve our ability to retain employees, increase engagement and attract a larger and more diverse pool of talent. To further increase employees’ understanding around D&I, the Bank began to raise awareness across our markets, by creating and piloting an education programme. In 2008, we aim to roll out the programme globally so that all employees understand what D&I means, why it is important and what they can do to create more inclusive working environment within the Bank.2007 also saw good progress in the Bank’s gender diversity strategy from a customer, community and workplace perspective. We organised our second Global Women’s Forum, partnered with the Global Banking Alliance for Women, increased our focus on microfinance (of which 80 per cent of the beneficiaries are women) and we continue to drive women’s empowerment in the community through sports-based development. 5) Conclusion
As the conclusion, we can say that managing diversity is very essential to every organization to master in order to keep their business and maintain their growth. The diversity is something all of us should take into consideration, for us to perform and make a better outcome. In every aspect of a person, they should be a vary types of skill, knowledge, traits, strength and also weakness. An organization should be able to get the right person for certain task if only they can let go some traditional biases, such as gender and age. Diversity is very important because with differences within your organization, you can bring differences out in the market. If an organization has that uniqueness, then their business that may involve product and services may have that kind of uniqueness which shall bring a lot of customer in.
By implementing the right way of managing diversity also, an organization can have that ‘loyal’ type of employee, a happy based employee who in the end will benefit the organization itself. By making a diverse environment, yet peacefully and harmony, many decision making can be done smoothly, many argument can be tolerate immediately and the most important thing is that more and more new, innovative ideas will be express.