
Mount Agion Oros Research Paper

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Mount Athos or Agion Oros, as it is locally known, is the oldest surviving monastic community in the world. It dates back more than a thousand years, to Byzantine times. It is a unique monastic republic, which, although part of Greece, it is governed by its own local administration. Because of its isolation Mount Athos has remained one of the most unspoiled parts of Greece. The landscape is stunning and wild, with small green valleys and gorges, well wooded peaks interspersed with precipitous ravines and an inaccessible coastline.
It occupies the best part of the Athos peninsula in Halkidiki. It consists of a range which runs south-east for thirty miles from Xerxes' Canal, where Xerxes the Persian King cut a canal across the peninsula for
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The monasteries uphold a long tradition of hospitality for those who need Mount Athos, those who seek solace, relief from the troubles of the outside world or those who are on a pilgrimage. Food and a bed to sleep are provided entirely free, although the conditions are basic and visitors are expected to conduct themselves according to certain standards. Much of the traveling is done either by boat or on foot for the roads are narrow and winding dirt-tracks.
As the pilgrims approach each monastery they cannot fail to be moved by the stunning natural scenery and the imposing architecture. The monasteries are fortified Byzantine castles with monumental walls all around and a courtyard in the centre. Others look like unassailable towers. The monastery of Simonos Petras (above) is a good example. It is perched on a large bolder a testimony of glorious times past. There are many architectural styles, enough to keep an architectural historian busy for the rest of his life. The monastery of St Panteleimon (left) is a good example. It was built by monks who came from Russia, hence it is called Rossiko, and the style clearly reflects the Russian influence. Successive Tsars bestowed it with wealth and treasures which made it one of the largest and richest monasteries in Mount

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