I walked through the grave yard with fear and terror in my eyes and face. I knew it was haunted but there was no other way through or round. I had to go through and I didn’t want my friends calling me a baby so I went through.
I was walking through there were broken graves and nobody in side it I heard a shuffle I looked back it was nothing. Then I saw a shadow then I blinked then it was gone I heard footsteps behind me I looked back it was nothing. Then bang I was on the floor.
I was shoved into a bag all I saw was a figure that. Looked fat but I wasn’t certain all I could feel was stones scraping against my back. Then it alNightmare world
I walked through the grave yard with fear and terror in my eyes and face. I knew it was haunted but there was no other way through or round. I had to go through and I didn’t want my friends calling me a baby so I went through.
I was walking through there were broken graves and nobody in side it I heard a shuffle I looked back it was nothing. Then I saw a shadow then I blinked then it was gone I heard footsteps behind me I looked back it was nothing. Then bang I was on the floor.
I was shoved into a bag all I saw was a figure that. Looked fat but I wasn’t certain all I could feel was stones scraping against my back. Then it all came to a sudden stop he pulled me out of the bag he got a knife. then bleep bleep I opened my eyes and I heard my mum calling me saying breakfast your toast is getting cold all I could do was gasp for air. l came to a sudden stop he pulled me out of the bag he got a knife. then bleep bleep I opened my eyes and I heard my mum calling me saying breakfast your toast is getting cold all I could do was gasp for air.