I will demonstrate trust, honesty, respect, loyalty, good communication, actions, competence and accountability to my team. I will have to be the role model so that I can build that working, effective relationship that I want build with my team. I believe that as a leader, this allows the team to look for me when they need help in any task or decision making that they might encounter with. As a leader with credibility, I will gain the respect that I would like for my team to have for me by showing strong and positive …show more content…
Honesty is very important to be a very productive leader because subordinates trust honesty and will depend on their leader. My actions will demonstrate to the team that they can trust and depend on me as a leader. Respecting my team is very essential because if you want respect, you have to give respect to others. I will listen and be compassionate to my team. I will value their contributions, and be generous while considering their opposing viewpoints. I want to build a team that looks up to me when they need assistance or guidance on decision making. I want to be the leader that when it comes to any decision making, I will check to ensure that my team has made the right