If they could stop I would like that, but they would keep on going they we're crying, throwing things and hitting things they did not know what Chrismist meaning was so they would keep on doing this I hope it will snow next year so I don't have to deal with …show more content…
this again it was going crazy and the yelling.It was in 2015 and there was no snow on Chrismist and the kids we're crazy.
Know they reeling started to get mad they went outside and started to hit the ground I don't know why there was no reason to hit the ground.
When they came back in, there we're a little tired from being out there hitting the ground. I wish that it could just snow, but it would not. It's like there was no snow it feels like someone stole the snow but that can't happen. But after a while I think the kids we're going to think that there is no Christmas without snow I did not want them to think that so I sat down and thought about what to tell them that you don't need snow on Christmas..
On Christmas with my mom dad, brother and family the year there was no snow on Christmas and my cousins we're mad when there we're no snow and the little kids started to panic.Also my cousin started to cry.I was getting a headache I did not like it, they we're loud, I just wanted it to snow so they will be quit.I did not understand why there was no snow on Christmas it was weird I was confused. They started to hit the walls and the other thing and broke and picture they would not stop no snow just snow.They wanted
So I thought of something and I told them that ‘’You don't need snow and presents on Christmas that is not the real meaning of christ chrimist is about having fun with your family and talking and all other thing to do with your family, but there is presents and snow those things just come with Christmas those are just something that you can get for your family to thank them but that not the real meaning presents and snow are just items with chrimist family is the thing that you have to have with Christmas’’’.
After they thought there said ‘’Yeah thats right, you don't need snow our presents you just need familly’’. My mom and dad and brother started helping laying out the food on the tables and plants silverware too. While I was playing with the kids to destroy them they calmed down and we all sat down at the table a started to eat and tell jokes and story and have a good time.
When everybody was done eating I knew that everybody would remember this Chrimist with no snow and the kids would remember the real meaning of Christmas and how that Christmas does not need snow or presents it just needs a family.