Educating myself on the variety of opportunities and roles that nurses are responsible for has been a priority of mine, constantly renewing my knowledge to keep up with an ever changing environment. Expanding my knowledge and learning from other nurses is something that I look forwards to greatly, doing this through attending RCN …show more content…
Developing relationships in an often emotional and trying time is an aspect of nursing that I was attracted too, I believe my study of sociology to be very beneficial for this. The ability I have to interact with a wide range of people has also been greatly improved by this. As effective communication is vital, studying English Language has helped me with this significantly. It has enhanced my written skills and the way in which I am able to articulate my requirements and needs, a crucial skill to have when reporting upon patients to other staff. Taking on a scientific subject has not just helped to increase my knowledge in this particular area but as it is a BTEC developed my organisational skills and time management in order to meet deadlines. From this I have learnt that I enjoy working under pressure and feel satisfied when my work is completely on time at a high …show more content…
I enjoyed my responsibilities and was given the chance to witness the care of the elderly and the role nurses play in this environment. I have benefited from this time greatly as my ability to work as a team has improved and understanding the important of following instructions of senior staff. I assisted in successfully treating residents and reassuring them in any circumstances were they may have felt confused, nursing would give me the ability to do this on a much wider