Linda did contact the arresting police officer to make him aware of the RA’s disability. Linda advised the police on how their department could work with the RA’s parents to get to know the RA so he would not be afraid of the police. The police was also going to pass Linda’s suggestions on to a CIT officer with the department. Linda also instructed the RA’s parent’s to make sure that the RA is safe when he at the park & out in the community alone. Linda suggested that the RA have some type of identifying information, such as an ID/bracelet on him at all times. She also suggested that the parents leave their contact information with the police so if the parents are not home and some type of emergency situation arises the police can contact the parents directly. Linda also had a difficult case where the RA’s doctor would not complete the interrogatories to deem the RA incompetent to manage his own care. Cases #16-150-0128, #16-085-01126, #16-189-00028, and #16-243-00052 were all allegations of self neglect, and the RA’s inability to live …show more content…
In fact the RA’s brother wanted the RA to be placed in a nursing home. RA has some cognitive & intellectual deficits. The house was in deplorable conditions. The RA had feces all over the house. He would not bathe, or change his clothes. The carpet, RA’s bedroom, kitchen and bathroom areas were always filthy. The RA had numerous falls where he had injured himself and the paramedics had to be dispatched to the home. The RA was easily agitated at the thought of having in-home services, or being placed in a facility requiring 24 hr. care. RA was hospitalized a few times, but he was always discharged before a psychiatric evaluation could be done. Linda tried to get in-home services for the RA, but the RA stated he was paying most of the bills in the home and he could not afford to pay his spend down. Like most cases things have to get worse before they get better. A worker attempted to deliver food from Meals on Wheels and found that the RA has fallen. EMS was called. This time Linda was able to work with the coordinator at Mid East Area on Aging for short term placement. From there the RA was transitioned to St. John’s Place for long term