QHT1 Task 4
Communication Barriers Essay Assignment
John Bolke (Mentor; ext. 5503)
So You Call Yourself a Manager, an Operator.
As a manager, in addressing the question as to how one might overcome barriers to effective communication there are four primary types of barriers to consider: process barriers, personal, physical, and semantic barriers.
Process barriers can include any range of aspects within the communication process and any individual step within each possible range of process steps. Trust level, for this example would serve as one process barrier. In the process of communicating with another person, particularly about a sensitive topic, for example, sexual harassment policies or allegations that need addressed might require a higher level of trust than a manager’s situation may call for at the time. A simple way of overcoming this trust barrier (process barrier) would be to have at least one additional person present for the conversation, preferably one of opposite gender of the person that the manager needs to speak or otherwise communicate with. Trust in this case is a two-way avenue, that is to say that the manager may be as concerned about legal matters as the opposite party and may find comfort n having more than a couple people present for the conversation (in such a way that does not unnecessarily oversteps privacy boundaries (Four Key Barriers to Communication, 2013).
Overstepping privacy boundaries by having too many individuals present for a sensitive conversation may lead to a personal communication boundary and limit the amount and the quality of information that could otherwise have been for achievably passed.
Another type of communication boundary might include the physical boundary of an individual’s communication impairment. Say, for example, if a person is deaf, hard of hearing, or perhaps is blind and cannot read body language, one could say that they have the potential to experience a physical communication
Cited: Four Key Barriers to Communication. (2013). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from StudyMode.com: http://www.studymode.com/essays/Four-Key-Barriers-To-Communication-1933259.html