The Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) was located in Blakely, Georgia. The PCA had a major crisis about recalling a large amount of peanut butter due to …show more content…
The primary value of social media is “listening” to what stakeholders are saying, not in sending them information and providing “access” to information when stakeholders might need it (Coombs, 2015). Since the information on social media was controlled by the Federal Government and they created an overlapping set of social media channels to help people stay informed about the recalls, the PCA Company was affected to include companies through association (Coombs, 2014). According to Coombs (2014), a Harvard study found that 25% of the people they surveyed thought major brands, such as Jif and Peter Pan, were part of the recall and were being avoided. An estimate indicated that peanut butter sales among the major brands dropped 25% during this time