Performance Management
CIPD Foundation Level 3 Assessment Cover Sheet Centre Name: Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance | Candidate Name: Mohammed Ahmed Seyadi | CIPD Registration No:8305004X | Unique Learner No (ULN): (if applicable) | Qualification Title: Level 3 - Human Resources Diploma | Unit Title(s): Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Managment Unit Code(s): 3PRM | Assessment Activity (and assignment title if applicable): | Date due for assessment:31/1/2013 | Actual date submitted:31/1/2013 | Extension requested: | Extension granted: | Revised Submission Date: | Candidate Declaration: * I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work. * I have read the assessment regulations and understand that if I am found to have ‘copied’ from published work without acknowledgement, or from other candidates work, this may be regarded as plagiarism which is an offence against the assessment regulations and leads to failure in the relevant unit and formal disciplinary action. * I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software if required. * I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. * I understand that the work/evidence submitted for assessment may not be returned to me and that I have retained a copy of my records. * I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified by internal and external quality assurance verifiers it is not final. | Signature: Mohammed Seyadi | Date: 31/1/2013 |
Activity 1:
The business life today becomes more challenging for the companies and employees, where the organizations want to attract employees with high qualifications and professional experience with lower salary. On the other side the employees looking for jobs develop their qualifications with high (or reasonable) salary. And here is the challenge.