Overtime, my passion for health grew immensely and I became committed to educating and assisting the many different people like my former self who were looking …show more content…
to renew their lives through the help of bariatric surgery. This turning point helped me find my voice, my purpose, my true passion and my sense of self. With having an education and professional background in business administration and management, my self-discovering journey hadn’t lead me to wanting to pursue a medical degree however, it did lead me to having a deep interest in being a part of a robust healthcare system that enabled me to provide quality and patient-centered healthcare to our population.
I am currently completing an MPA in Healthcare Administration which thus far, has been an extremely gratifying experience for me.
Through my studies, I’ve explored various aspects of health care that will enable me to excel in competitive, highly complex, and ever-changing health care environments. The foundation that my formal education has laid out is vastly preparing me to not only being an indispensable administrator but an exceptional future healthcare leader. This is essentially why I made the decision to apply for an administrative fellowship. I am prepared and looking forward to the thrilling and stimulating challenges a fellowship will present. It’s an opportunity that will allow me to gain valuable insight into the practical demands of hospital administration and also receiving an in-depth understanding of the structure of the organization as a whole. Most of all, I am committed to being a part of an environment that will allow me to make decisions and significant contributions that will optimize the benefits of all …show more content…
patients. Though I don’t have extensive healthcare training, I strongly believe that my professional experience has provided me with a solid foundation on which I can cultivate my impending health care career. What I’ve acquired through my academic and professional pursuits over the years will enable me to be successful in handling patient care services, care management, departmental rotations, project management, strategic planning, finance, technological innovations and many more. The various positions I’ve held until now have equipped me to face any obstacles that I may encounter and have also developed in me a determination and strength of character that will allow me to succeed.
As I continue to evolve in my professional and educational endeavors, my lifelong aspiration is to be an executive director of one of the many departments in an integral healthcare organization that is wholly committed to influencing change, defining a new standard of care for mankind, delivering outstanding innovative patient care and cutting edge research.
I would like to find myself in the position of being able to administer increasingly complex projects as well as, developing people, leading a strong team and becoming a person that an organization can count on and be proud of. I’m determined to recognize and improve the healthcare system from within and to be skillfully equipped to make meaningful contributions towards advancing an organization’s mission. And I find that I am capable of accomplishing all of these professional goals through you. It’s through the support of your fellowship that I’ll be able to develop and gain invaluable skill-building experience in leading-edge areas of management. Ultimately, this program will offer rewards on many levels and I am confident that under your mentorship and guidance, I’ll receive incomparable leadership training that will be fundamental to my professional development as an emerging administrative
As I prepare to graduate and make my mark on the world, I aim to set milestones and achieve new heights and it all begins, with you.