Throughout our lives, we, as humans, encounter others that we may either have an immediate connection with, must discover more about the individual to determine the relevant connection, or simply, we just cannot manage to maintain a cordial relationship. What determines whether or not we can get along with someone else is defined by an individual’s personality. A personality is an array of “psychological” characteristics that makes each person unique, in their own way. Upon analyzing my own personality, I believe that my overall character is one that understands, can relate, and focuses on the big picture both in my personal life and in the work environment. Therefore, in analyzing personalities in the work environment, I reference the “big five” personality traits to determine whether or not I do or do not agree with other individuals in the workplace.…
There are many people in the world today. With each person comes a different personality and personality type. Each individual has different things that contribute to thier personalities and their attitudes. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a man names James R. Dortch Jr. He is 27 years old about 5'7 and weighs about 148 pounds. He is white non-Hispanic and from Fresno California. He is currently a staff sergeant in the United States Army. I had the pleasure of asking him some questions about his personality and his attitudes. In this paper we are going to explore his answers and compare them to my own answers to the same questions.…
Because they both thought in terms of privacy an power, Nixon and Kissinger could relate well to one another, according to Kelly's _____ Corollary.…
This paper discusses my personal results of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test and the Jung Typology Test. It also details how analyzing and understanding personality types is relevant to organizational behavior. The first section of this paper details and discusses the specific aspects of my personality based on the tests mentioned…
Personality test are used to measure personality characteristic and also used to diagnose personality disorders within people. This paper will discuss the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), my very own four-letter personality type, which includes, introversion, intuition, feeling, and judging, my two-letter temperament, which is, NF, how my personality trait coincides with organizational behavior and how my personality type strengthens and weakens me as an employee and co-worker.…
After completing the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Assessment I discovered that my personality type is ISTJ, and this type makes up about 12% of the U.S. population. ISTJ stands for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging. I agree with the personality type that was chosen for me. After reading the report about the description of ISTJ, I think that my personality and preferences were outlined great. I am realistic, organized, reasonable, and consistent. I also know what works and doesn’t work based on past experiences and facts. When it comes to others I do often show that I care through actions more than using words.…
“The Big Five” are personality traits that are seen in middle-aged men and women in how he or she acts during this change. First, the neuroticism individuals who are high on this trait are those who are worrying, temperamental, self-pitying, self-conscious, emotional and vulnerable. Those who are low on this trait are calm, even-tempered, self-content, comfortable, unemotional, and hardy. This type of personality is those who don’t understand how to deal with the stage of the midlife changes. Extroversion is the next trait. The individuals who are high on this trait are affectionate, talkative, active, fun-loving, and passionate. This person is very loving and cares much for those around him or her. While those who are low are reserved, quiet, passive, sober, and emotionally unreactive. This person excludes himself from others and shows little emotion. Next, the openness to experience individuals who are high on this trait is imaginative, creative, original, curious, and liberal. Individuals who are low are down-to-earth, uncreative, conventional, uncurious, and conservative. These people are the majority of the middle-aged people by experiencing times of both the high and low side. Agreeableness individuals who are high on this trait are soft-hearted, trusting, generous, acquiescent, lenient, and good-natured. These people are willing to give when someone is in need and are very enjoyable to be around. Those who are low on this trait are ruthless, suspicious, stingy, antagonistic, critical, and irritable. They are just the opposite and are not fun to be around and are not willing to help out. Last, conscientiousness individuals who are high on this trait are conscientious, hard-working, well-organized, punctual, ambitious, and preserving. Those on the low side are negligent, lazy, aimless, and nonpersistent. Many people in the middle age step are at the low side of these traits but as the change comes to an end, they try to get back to the high side of the…
2. How would you rate Mike and Marty Scanlon on the “Big Five” personality traits?…
My personality type is INTJ. I am 78% introvert, 25% intuitive, 12% thinking, and 56% judging, (, 2011). I found the test to be accurate and agreed with the results. Introverts are perfectionists that have a high level of confidence. Most introverts are logical thinkers that open their minds to all possibilities. “INTJs are ideal people. They think anything is possible and everything is negotiable, (, 2011). I possess this introvert quality. I believe that there are always exceptions to rules.…
Communication in the workplace is essential for success. To increase understanding of a person’s personality and their work ethics the Myer’s Briggs Personaliyt Test was developed to assess a person’s psychlogical profile and give insight on how they relate to other people . This can be a good tool to determine compatibility in the workplace and give insight on how to communicate with a person. This paper will focus on my personality type, whether I belive this is an accurate assessment, give some examples best suited for my personality type, and reveal whether they appeal to me or not. I will also communicate how my personallity type impacts my professional and personal relationships and I will identfy how I will uset his information to improve my personal and professional communications.…
Were there any surprises in how you ranked your strengths as compared to how others ranked them?…
In George H. Jenson and John K. DiTiberio 's article titled, “Personality and Individual Writing Process” they compare someones personality to that of their writing process. Through this examination, Jenson and DiTiberio, come to realize that while teaching the writing process, teachers, professors or whom ever is instructing this process should take into consideration the individuals personality types. Determining the students personality can help prevent things like writers block when it comes to writing a paper or article. Once the individuals personality type is determined then steps can be made to individualize writing instruction.…
According to the Myer Briggs test, my psychological type is an introvert. My personality type (introvert) is likely to affect my organizational performance in the sense that, I derive my energy from working by myself and often, I will be action-oriented (more like extroverts). This trait will affect my…
1. What are 5 personality traits and 5 training areas that a good Early Childhood Professional should have?…
The Big Five Personality traits that are most related to my personality are extraversion, agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience. In social settings I find myself to be very extroverted and agreeable to others. Furthermore, I tend to connect with people very easily and enjoy learning about other people as well. On the other hand, I recognize that I am very self-monitoring of my behavior, depending on the social environment. For example, when I am in a less sociable environment such as a classroom setting, I will most likely sit back and listen quietly.…