Great read Akeena. I agree that people tend to go with the media's opinion rather it's right or wrong. People tend to form their opinion right after they hear what the media displays. Consequently , the second people form their opinion, they will post it on social media and then people will add to and take away. However, I do feel as though we have good officers that will sacrifice their life for the public, and then we have those that seem to waste our taxpayers money by being low down and corrupt. Therefore, I chose to be part of the solution by contributing my time and effort in getting our crime toll down, and help gain the support and respect from the public.…
Just like how there are people like me who are against police brutality, there are those who feel as if police brutality is not a problem. For example, counter-arguments suggest, “Police have the right to protect themselves.” ( They ask you to think about how the officers put their lives in jeopardy every single day when they go on their shift. Yes, they put their lives in jeopardy, however, that is what they signed up for. They accepted the conditions that came with becoming a police officer and knew the possibilities of what could happen out in the field.…
Did you know that 52% of all adults arrested for homicide were black?(FBI) Crazy right? Under ⅓ of the population committing over half the murder. This is the problem not being brought to light; not police’s justified shootings. Police do not unfairly target minorities.…
In today’s society, there has been an escalation of reports involving police officers using deadly force on unarmed suspects. Almost every day news channels are reporting on incidents that involve deadly police shootings. News reports have a major impact on how police officers are perceived by the public, leading police officers to be thought of as killers.…
Racial prejudice by police is becoming alarmingly out of control as state by state African Americans men are gunned down in city streets throughout the USA. During the past year, there have been major controversies and civil unrest surrounding the number of minorities murdered by law enforcement without cause or reason. Keith Childress was killed in Las Vegas on December 31, 2015. Police explanation for the shooting was the victim had something in his hand and they thought it was a gun. The assumed gun that was in his hand was his cell phone. Again, on December 23, 2015 Kevin Matthews was brutally murdered by police in Michigan. Once again, police claimed that during the scuffle Matthews reached for a gun and so to defend themselves…
Many people feel that police culture has lost its way, officers seem to be in the news more now than compared to before for things that are tarnishing their reputation.…
“Police officers are respected and suspected, hated and loved, feared and courted for favor, maligned and praised. They wield tremendous power and are capable of depriving others of their freedom, their reputations, and their lives.” This statement…
Even though the police force is doing all they can to resolve the situation, police misconduct is still a major problem in the United States because many innocent people have been wrongfully accused and even died at the hands of careless police officers who abuse their authority. One case claims that “A South Side police commander and his officers tortured black suspects into confessing to crimes they didn’t commit.” (Webber) This is a perfect example as it shows how police were abusing their authority just to make innocent civilians take the blame for something they did not do. This type of behavior by police is absolutely horrendous and wrong. Another example that shows police officers abusing their authority, does not involve a killing…
This shooting sparked a national outcry and swayed public opinion of the police within the black community in a negative view. It sparked riots and violence for days, and the community called for justice. Many in the black community view the police as corrupted, oppressors, murders, and ‘criminal with badges”. There are some that even believe that they are at war with the police, especial on the males. This tension has cause many parent to fear for the children lives, some may…
My opinion on police shootings is they are just trying to do their job. Their job is to protect the people and property which if it takes shooting someone that is not following the demands of the officer then that is what they should do. The research shows that most gunfights accrue at about three-six feet apart from the officer to the inflictor. Police have a job that could get them killed, so when they see someone reach in their pocket or for something they will be extremely aware because they cannot tell if the person is reaching for a gun or just a phone or wallet. There are other less lethal ways of trying to get the person to compromise, but there do not strike fear to them as if a gun was pulled on them sometimes fear is what helps in some cases.…
Police officers have many roles in the community. The media has a way of spinning the facts to where often times the police officers are made to look a certain way. Even though the media is just telling the story the way that they perceive the events as happening, the media spins the story to gain an audience whether it is on T.V., in a newspaper, or on the internet. The media portrays the crime fighter, the social servant, the order maintainer, and the crime preventer in reporting the story. And by portraying these different aspects of police officers the media is able to draw the crowd that they want to inform with the information about what has happened. In this paper it will look at these 4 types that are portrayed by the media and decide whether it is a real depiction or an image that the media has generated.…
Police officers are abusing their authority by brutalizing and even sometimes killing people. These attacks have been video recorded and put on social media. Police brutality has been a trending topic on social media because of the rising cases involving police using excessive force and the recordings of these events. Many famous cases have spiraled from police brutality including Michael Brown, Rodney King, and Sandra Bland. Seeing this has made people start to protest and riot. Others have been trying to come up with ways to prevent police brutality. Police officers jobs are to protect and serve their community.…
Police corruption and abuse of power is one big problem to the public. The fact the communities give them the responsibility to serve and protect us. Excessive use of force is a good example of an unethical behavior. Police officer should use force the correct way. When they abuse it, the public looks at it as police brutality, I believe there is a couple of aspects that police officer should consider…
Police officers are presented to the community as a support system. Society is given a conception that the police are to protect and to serve the community. However when ethical standards are breached and deviant behaviors prevail in policing society is affected and intimidated.…
This leads on to my next point, being the state and legal system that is run in this day and age. People are constantly hounding the police force for doing a terrible job when the reality is far from it. The police in our era now work to…