3.1 Introduction
This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to investigate the satisfaction of the students in UTMSpace Kota Kinabalu on the facilities provided by the university.
To assess and evaluate the satisfaction of the students in UTMSpace Kota Kinabalu, a total of forty (40) students have been chosen to answer the questionnaire regarding their satisfaction on the facilities provided.
3.2 Research Instrument
The instrument used to collect the data was questionnaire which has been distributed to selected forty (40) students. A set of questionnaire containing 15 questions and divided into few sections was developed based on the discussion between the group’s members. Different questions type, such as ranking, yes-no, listing and scales were used in the questionnaire.
3.3 Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were the second year undergraduate students from Built Environment Faculty and also the first year students from Civil Engineering Faculty.
A total of 40 questionnaires were distributed to the students started from 28th July 2013. All 40 questionnaires returned on the same day. Of the total, 30 out of 40 were male students while the other 10 were female.
3.4 Research Procedure
During the research, the questionnaires were distributed at various locations on campus, such as the lobby area and cafeteria. However, most of questionnaires distributed successful at the lecture room.
The questionnaires were distributed by approaching the respondents randomly. Before the questionnaires handed to the respondents, a brief explanation was given to them, informs the purpose of it and asking the respondent’s agreement to participate in the study.
3.5 Data