To begin with, although the possibility of shortening school days is certainly an idea worth considering, Rachel’s points are ultimately hollow because they are broad and lack support. For example, her biggest claim is that “By shortening the school days, students wouldn’t be as distressed about going to school and their grades would be higher” (Rachel D). While this is a fair assumption, that is all it is. There is no evidence provided suggesting longer hours at school lead to greater levels of stress, or that shorter hours would cut down on this stress and that, because of these shorter hours and reduced stress, student grades would rise across the board. There are also various factors that are avoided, quite possibly because Rachel has not considered them. For instance, for some students being at home is more stressful than being at school. More obvious, though, is that while shorter school days may reduce student stress, the resulting shorter instructional periods would likely heighten the stress felt by teachers having to fit
To begin with, although the possibility of shortening school days is certainly an idea worth considering, Rachel’s points are ultimately hollow because they are broad and lack support. For example, her biggest claim is that “By shortening the school days, students wouldn’t be as distressed about going to school and their grades would be higher” (Rachel D). While this is a fair assumption, that is all it is. There is no evidence provided suggesting longer hours at school lead to greater levels of stress, or that shorter hours would cut down on this stress and that, because of these shorter hours and reduced stress, student grades would rise across the board. There are also various factors that are avoided, quite possibly because Rachel has not considered them. For instance, for some students being at home is more stressful than being at school. More obvious, though, is that while shorter school days may reduce student stress, the resulting shorter instructional periods would likely heighten the stress felt by teachers having to fit