
Social Media Engagement

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Social Media Engagement
The "Sweet Spot" Of Indie Artist's Social Media Engagement

Pointless Buzzword or Important Tactic?

Engagement with fans is something that pops up on almost every single “social media tips” article—whether it be directed at artists or brands. Engagement is turning into one of those words that comes up so often that we start to just skip over it while reading (see SEO). While the buzzword “engagement” is getting annoying, it is important and we can't completely forget about it.

In this article we are going to speak about two types of engagement, inciting comments and responding to comments. Some people always assume to post and respond as much as possible, but this is not always the best stratagy. Inciting comments is a more broader subject,
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Sure, a lot of this has to do with the number of fans on the page, but there are also a few things you can do to help improve your comment rate. Posting original content is becoming a cliché suggestion for social media marketing, but it truly is important. Now that we've got the obligatory advice out of the way, let's move on.

Frequency of posts is a tactic that should weigh heavy in your mind when controlling a social media account. The two worst things you can do is rarely ever post, or post too much in a day. If you never post anything, there is no reason for your fans to visit your page. On the flip side, if you post 20 times a day, you will annoy the hell out of your fans and they might unsubscribe or hide your posts from their timelines. Find a rhythm that works for both you and the people you want to
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We must remember that your social media page is representing yourself as an indie artist and not Target's customer service page. As a company selling a service, you should ALWAYS respond to a negative comment with an apology followed by a solution. As a musician, however, every negative comment can't be met with an apology OR a solution. If a fan says the drums sound terrible in your new song, there isn't much you can do. You can't talk them into appreciating the drums, but you should also not berate them for having a certain opinion.

Being an indie artist, there are a few scenarios when responding to a negative comment is a viable option. If the complaint is a solvable problem like a CD not shipping on time or a performance being cancelled, then you should take the time and apologize to your fan and try rectifing the problem. The person on your page is most likely already a fan, so if you can help them solve their problem or feel better about their justified complaint, you might just be able to make a life-long connection with that

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