Professional and Educational Growth
I have chosen social work because, I am always learning new things from the people I work with. I have found that people know their situations better than anyone because they are living it. As an intern at DFS I meet clients when they are at mentally, emotionally, physically and offer my assistance in managing complex issues or finding solutions. …show more content…
I will continue to challenge myself, and work hard to obtain my degree in social work. My goal is to do the best I can and obtain a job at DFS once I graduate from DSU. I will focus more on my career decisions and passions for wanting to help. Support from my wonderful family has helped me come this far.
In conclusion, my time that I have interned here at DFS has really opened my eyes to a whole new view of worker who work for DFS. I have learned that several of my weaknesses from the start of internship have become my strengths through the experiences during my Internship. However, I do still have weaknesses in areas I had when I came into internship, and although I feel I have improved in all areas, I do still have points to improve and work on for the benefit of the clients. There will always be new strategies to be learned, not enough time to complete everything an intern needs to complete, and new things to plan for. I will always be learning new and innovative ways to help our clients and the community. Our mission here at DFS is to keep children safe from abuse and neglect and provide domestic violence services by working with communities and strengthening